Media Thread 2020/21

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I wonder how long Mings is allowed to have the ball before the media would be alright with us tackling him? Does Rodri have to just sit it out until we get the ball back? As I was always under the pretty simple belief that you can't be offside when the other team has the ball, but that's apparently now a morally debatable point? Weird nonces
The over inflated sense of their own importance, and/or lack of self awareness prevents these so called experts from grasping the fundemental fact that as so called experts on a particular subject they have revealed to the world that they do not actually know the laws of the game to any depth whatsoever yet rather than hang their heads in shame, or even acknowledging they made a mistake, they blame it on the “complexity” “ immorality” or “confusing nature” of the rules because they are too thick, lazy or blinkered to understand them.
i prefer they dislike City rather than endure the vomit inducing sycophancy displayed to their fave history dna bollocks clubs. Silly so and so’s
Remember Stan Collymore? Predictably he’s fuming and will no doubt have a ludicrous hot take in his Mirror column.
The thick bastard also used a screenshot which outed him as using a dodgy box
Remember Stan Collymore? Predictably he’s fuming and will no doubt have a ludicrous hot take in his Mirror column.
The thick bastard also used a screenshot which outed him as using a dodgy box
If he can’t afford Sky and BT it’s because he must be skint paying people off who saw him dogging in the woods
They still got it wrong he didn’t get two yellows it was a yellow then a straight red from what I saw.
He didn't make a light-hearted comment about juggling balls. It was clear on playback last night that he used a word beginning with C..... He deserves to have the book thrown at him. It's about time the authorities started publishing the full referees' reports into these incidents.
I don't think the law made a distinction between deliberate and accidental when that happened. If that was the case then it was a goal butMilner definitaly tried to head it clear so it still would have been classed as 'deliberate'.
My memory is failing me with specifics and I can't bring myself to relive the moment
The law is spot on!

If you change the law because of this Rodri incident, then all incidents like the following would not be allowed to happen:

Two attacking players break through the defensive line, one was offside when the ball was played through, but the man receiving the ball wasn’t. The man reviving the ball has a poor shot straight at the keeper who controls the ball with his feet but is then tackled by the other attacker and the other attacker scores.

An attacking player is stood on his own in the box in an offside position. Another attacker tries to play the ball to him even though he’s offside. A defender intercepts the pass and has the ball but doesn’t know the attacker who was offside is there. He tries to pass the ball back to his goalkeeper but passes it straight through to the attacker who scores.

There will be many situations that are scrapped and ruined for attacking teams if you change the law because of this Rodri incident.

The very simple fact is, because Rodri did not challenge for the ball, or impede Mings at this very moment:
View attachment 8673
he is not offside.

As soon as Mings controls the ball it sets up a fresh part of the football match, and anything that happened before it is wiped out. It doesn’t matter whatsoever that Rodri was in an offside position previously.

The law is absolutely spot on. There’s nothing at all wrong with it. It’s a positive, good, common sense law of the game that, for once, benefits the attacking team.
Plus ,like Pep alluded to afterwards,’ if Rodri IS offside and that’s the law what would have happened if Mings controls the ball smashes it up field and Villa score ?

how would they feel when the game is brought back to the original offside decision!

u cannot have it both ways ?

how many goals would also be ruled out for in active players stood in an offside position?

the law is correct and was implemented correctly

the only thing they do not like is that it helped us
I don’t think it helps that it’s inconsistently applied. There was one in the Juve game last night where the defender tries to control it, messes it up and hits it a couple of yards away and the player coming back from an offside position goes to play it and it’s blown up for offside.
That’s because the defender doesn’t have control of the ball ??

Mings did have control , it just that Rodri then legally nips the ball of him

that’s the difference
Remember Stan Collymore? Predictably he’s fuming and will no doubt have a ludicrous hot take in his Mirror column.
The thick bastard also used a screenshot which outed him as using a dodgy box
Lets set some jocks on him.
Got a right hiding in Paris 98 off them cos he slapped Ulreka. Apparently he didn't like the fact that she was enjoying herself with our neighbours north of the border
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