Then he digs at us about not winning it.Just Rio during the pre-match light show saying "we didn't need all this coz we had the history..."
Tongue in cheek, and he then said how good it was, but one can't help getting wound up by these things!
Saying something along the lines of " no matter how good City can be they always come up short in this comp, so they won't be getting carried away by tonight's result".
That's fair enough until you realise that in all the years wio played for the scum he won it just once, benefitting from a slip by John Terry at the penalty spot.
So wio is no serial winner of this comp the way he likes to make out, and if it wasn't for Terry's misfortune we could all be still talking about utd's inability to win it in "The Wio Years" and how they always came up short.