Media thread 2022/23

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I think you are overestimating the reach of the likes of Delaney specifically, who I was referring to in my post. I think many blues do.

Obviously I cannot prove my theory that most of the engagement of his anti-City articles comes from rage-sharing by blues, and I could of course be wrong, but I think the way in which they are written, how he distributes links (often via Twitter diatribe threads), and the headlines used for them points specifically to trap-clickbait for City fans. Of course rival fans who hate us will read it, as it confirms their worldview, but I assert they are far less likely to share the articles across their networks than blues; they simply comment about how right Delaney is and how more people should speak this “truth”.

Rage-sharing is where the real money is, hence why so much of media now is about angering the right group to get something to go viral.

And the likes of Delaney have become a master of it with City fans.

I like the theory, and find it interesting, but I don't just don't buy it, sorry. Either way, I tend not to share links to negative articles by default, as they neither amuse or excite me as the positive ones, so I guess I contribute to your movement. But I feel it has all been said now, so happy to get back to actual content rather than its sharing patterns, which is a whole discussion in itself as you rightly point out.
Completely fair stance.

And it’s important to note I don’t think anyone—certainly not me—has argued on here that negative stories shouldn’t be discussed at all.

I’ve only fervently argued we shouldn’t post direct links to the negative coverage and directly aid those entities in their efforts to malign and disparage our club. We shouldn’t be doing the bastards’ work for them.

Some people seem to be conflating those very different stances.

There was a time no links were posted but I seem to remember it got legal & the mods told us links were needed if an article is posted.
As an ex moderator of a very feisty politics forum, believe me when I say, you don't know the difference between moderating a thread and policing it.
I don’t believe you, especially as you are the one attacking me personally throughout your posts for some unknown reason (both in response to me but indirectly in response to other posters). I’ve moderated quite a few forums, including those focusing on politics and economics, and I have found attacking the poster, rather than the argument, is a very poor strategy, ironically much more akin to policing than moderating.

I have to be honest, I have quite surprised by your initial reaction to my post and your subsequent comments. I would have thought, from our previous interactions and your posting history, you were someone that understood how the media engine works and our place in it. And I would have never expects such aggressive behaviour, as if I had been attacking you directly, which I most definitely have not.

At any rate, as I have shared my thoughts, and it seems we are not going to agree on this (and you don’t seem to be open to a real debate on the subject), I will leave it here.

Just a reminder, though: we’re on the same side.
Ha ha ha .... that's a new one" "state-run". They have had state-owned, state-backed, state funded and now state-run. What does that even mean?

Maybe some of the less stupid journalists are realising that state-owned doesn't really fly if we are being charged with an individual "disguising equity funding" as sponsorship. Anyway, it's amusing seeing the mental gymnastics used in trying reconcile being owned by an individual with their beloved "sportswashing".
Some are admitting we are not state owned but Sheik Mansour is just a front for the state who make the big decisions. Whatever they claim, it didn't stop lots of young Turkish kids from chanting 'City City City' everywhere the team went.
"Tariq Panja, Nick Harris, Rob Harris, all the cunts at the Guardian, Mark Ogden, Ian Herbert, Ewan Mackenna, Miguel Delaney. Miguel fucking Delaney. Your boys took a hell of a beating on Saturday night".

The brilliant thing now is there's virtually nothing left.

We have left both the journalism and rival fraternity broken. We've broken all records, played the best ever football and surpassed and have completed two different trebles.

All that's left is mistruths about the supporters, and clamouring for these charges to be proven.
"Tariq Panja, Nick Harris, Rob Harris, all the cunts at the Guardian, Mark Ogden, Ian Herbert, Ewan Mackenna, Miguel Delaney. Miguel fucking Delaney. Your boys took a hell of a beating on Saturday night".
Castles popped his head above the parapet straight after the final whistle, spewing his bile. Must be back in the WhatsApp fold.
There was a time no links were posted but I seem to remember it got legal & the mods told us links were needed if an article is posted.
Yeah, if you copy-and-paste an excerpt (two paragraphs) then a link is necessary to avoid a claim of unlawful distribution of copyright material.

No such danger exists for a screenshot or copy-and-paste of a headline and summary paragraph.

But, even so, I have only ever been arguing against posting direct links to negative stories.

I see no problem at all with posting direct links to neutral or positive stories. In fact, I personally encourage it. Those are the sort of examples of coverage we should be sharing widely and amplifying via engagement metric manipulation of sorts.

In the end, as @tolmie's hairdoo and others in the industry have confirmed, that is all the media entities care about now. So we need to game the system they have built to try to manipulate us.
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