Media thread 2022/23

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Castles popped his head above the parapet straight after the final whistle, spewing his bile. Must be back in the WhatsApp fold.

Lol, Castles is a Scot living in South Africa with zero background or training as a journalist. He isn’t in anyone’s clique.

He was ‘relevant’ for a few minutes when Mourinho was at United but with Mendes basically irrelevant in the game now he has no insight to give.
Jordan may be slightly more articulate than most of the people on Talkshite but it's clear he hasn't even bothered to research the basic facts of the case. His opinions are based on the same old regurgitated lies. Has he even read the CAS judgement? It should be essential reading for anyone who wishes to have a serious debate about the issue. That would be my first question if I went on. If he hasn't, then despite claiming to be a serious commentator on the business of sport, he's no better than the rest of them.

All his so called info comes from Levy his mate we know Levy his is one of the ring leaders in the narrative and getting the Premier to investigate us!

He is a grade A TwatttttttTTT
This media negativity is starting to really piss me off. After winning 3 in a row and then the elusive as fuck treble, all I read is about how we spent money to become what we are. How the fuck do they think all the tops teams became top. They all spend money.

When Chelsea won their CL title I didn't hear any of this negative bias and still they spend ridiculous amounts of money within 2 windows and all I read is how they are clever because they created a loophole by extending out contracts.

Difference is one is a white American and the other is from Saudia Arabia. People talk about how La Liga have a problem with racism but here I feel it's just as bad considering what we have achieved over these last 6 years and how much plaudits we get, all because our owner is from a world most don't know anything about.

People's only argument is where our money came. It surely can't be about overall spend as so many have now spent just as much if not more than us over the past 5 or so years.

We are the Russian team in Mighty Ducks who are evil and corrupt as they come up against the pure and perfect English golden team (apparently Man Utd).

Rant over
Some (in fact probably most) can`t get their head around the fact that we can spend money due to our continued success on the field which bring in tens of millions of £ in prize money and TV revenue.
Its bound to get them pissing boiling urine when they learn that we`ve got another near £300M prize money going into our coffers for this seasons triumphs.
Loverly jubberley.
Some are admitting we are not state owned but Sheik Mansour is just a front for the state who make the big decisions. Whatever they claim, it didn't stop lots of young Turkish kids from chanting 'City City City' everywhere the team went.

They are getting Mansour confused with a Qatari banker.
Some (in fact probably most) can`t get their head around the fact that we can spend money due to our continued success on the field which bring in tens of millions of £ in prize money and TV revenue.
Its bound to get them pissing boiling urine when they learn that we`ve got another near £300M prize money going into our coffers for this seasons triumphs.
Loverly jubberley.
100% mate
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