Media thread 2022/23

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That is a very accurate account, exactly how I described it. Especially letting fans down the parade route to ease congestion as fans were rammed on the tracks. All the police were great bar 2 , a short arse scruffy male and a female who drew their batons against families with kids and completely harmless folk. Only one fan acting daft. All the other coppers used common sense after these 2 pillocks moved on.
We got told to move away from the tram tracks by a lone police woman , when it became clear to her that there was nowhere to go, she signalled to the stewards to let fans down thenparade route.
There were over 200k City fans at the parade last Monday. I was one of them. The place was rammed. We couldn't get anywhere near Deansgate. The side roads leading to it were rammed also. Mossely St where the trams crossed the parade route was dangerously full as trams were literally squeezing past people. They had to let fans down the parade route, myself included to ease congestion. No chance of getting anywhere near the stage area either. I've seen some pictures circling of a previous parade in Deansgate where we had just two busses and there were much less fans, these are being peddled by desperate rags and scousers as being taken last Monday. Not the case. Last Monday the City centre was packed.
I think the worst one I saw was on Twitter on Tuesday morning. Some prize tit filming the empty square after the parade and saying “look - it’s completely empty, they literally have no fans” Bearing in mind, his film showed it going dark, it’s the middle of June and it’s daylight until 10pm, you didn’t exactly need to be Sherlock Holmes to realise he’d filmed it well after the parade had finished. How much of a sad, pathetic individual do you have to be to turn up to an event two hours after it’s finished and film it to say nobody’s there ??? Really ?? Could you be arsed ???
Here is a clip of maybe the stupidest 17 seconds in human history so you don't have to give that podcast a click. More partridge than partridge.
It's crazy that there was a clear path after the quarters and the semis.

I think he is simple lying. why dont he give some examples

Yes I saw this earlier today
None of the assorted shot gibbons and twat badgers have blocked me yet. Maybe I am too diplomatic when I interact with them.
I asked him did he not agree his friend Delaney should stop posting garbage and he wouldn't get any shit off city fans
Who quite frankly sick to death of the shit he regularly reports on the club
He has no idea how to engage, and blocked me-ran away again, bye Nick
The absolute fucking hypocrite. He had to be threatened with police and legal action over his harassment of me and a few other Blues, plus he was one of the group that complained to my then employer and tried to get me sacked.

And he's complaining about a few insults thrown at Delaney.
He's just doing that classic bully thing of crying victim as soon as he's confronted on his bollocks
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