Just how does the pillock square the notion of sustainability with the mountain of debt incorporated in both Real and Barca? Perhaps he means that the debt is sustainable as an increasing amount and not to be paid off out of income in the short term!i see tebas is reporting everone to uefa, moaning about how to run premier league and how we should have to be sustainable yada yada same crap. hes got nothing better to do.
Tbh I could accept the “timing” comment if it’s a drum he’s been banging for a long time, not being on Twitter and not following Trevor in any way, I don’t know if he has, if he hasn’t, then I can’t really.
La Liga must be the most unsustainable in the world. Barca have a billion pound plus in debt and can still break the world record to sign Keira Walsh for their women's team. Last time I checked Tebas himself was still under investigation for finanacial corruption.Just how does the pillock square the notion of sustainability with the mountain of debt incorporated in both Real and Barca? Perhaps he means that the debt is sustainable as an increasing amount and not to be paid off out of income in the short term!
Sinclair's timing arguably was insensitive, but the content is certainly up for debate.But is he not posting again, above? And what an addition - just saying his tweet was 'ill timed', ie he has no qualms about the ridiculous content of his message. Fuckin prick!
Have you failed to see how all this lunacy has turned out? People being judged and sacked by the shrieking banshee juries on social media for expressing the wrong opinion.People afraid to express an honest opinion in case it offends where no offence was intended and people who expect anyone who offends them to lose their jobs and be prevented from ever finding employment again?We do indeed have freedom of speech but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have consequences.
What if somebody makes a racist comment at the football or a nasty comment towards gay people at work? is that ok because we have freedom of speech? Shouldn't they be banned or sacked?