Media thread 2022/23

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The team got within a penalty shootout of winning the tournament. James Tarkowski isn't the fucking answer. There's no club bias at play either, that's a load of bollocks. He's had plenty of players from clubs down the table in his squads. He's picked Maddison despite Leicester having a shite start to the season and only recently picking up form. Rice starts when he's at West Ham. Phillips started when he was at Leeds. Maguire was in the squad in his Leicester days. He picks Trippier from Newcastle over TAA from Liverpool.

Come up with a better name than Tarkowski and I could understand where you're coming from. But there is no better option. You can't hang Maguire out to dry because of his form for the rags when he went into the Euro's similarly out of form and yet made the team of the tournament.

If we had a Sol Campbell, Ledley King, John Terry or Wio waiting in the wings then fine. But we don't. The options are Maguire, Stones, Dier, Coady, Tarkowski, Tomori, Guehi. It's a long list of unproven shite other than Stones. But Maguire is top of the rest of them.
I thought Maguire had made the plane as back up for Kane!

I need to stop slapping my thigh now and take the dogs out.

i suspect this is more water off the oil soiled ducks back.

Below extract was publicly available in June this year and currently resides on the internet. ‘Facts’ backed up by a mysterious City employee via an intermediary! And fresh evidence at that!!!!! It’s recycled and discredited horseshit that was trashed at CAS.

Still he has to make a living I suppose

‘The only solution to the overwhelming greed at the top of European football is intervention by the European Union.

That was the key take-away from the final panel of the third day of Play the Game 2022, entitled ‘Billionaires and breakaways: Is that the future of football?’, as a distinguished line-up exposed multiple instances of avarice and self-interest.

The government in United Arab Emirates paid sponsorship deal​

Opening the panel, English journalist Nick Harris provided fresh evidence of how Manchester City, which is owned by Emirati royal Sheikh Mansour, managed to get around UEFA’s Financial Fair Play rules in a sponsorship deal with Etihad Airlines from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Harris said: “In 2014, after City’s first punishment, an employee at Etihad, via an intermediary, alleged to me that Etihad’s sponsorship department was only paying 8 million GBP a year of the 35 million+ money, and the rest was being paid in disguised – and banned – funding via other entities controlled by Sheikh Mansour.

“The employee could not risk their job and go on the record, and City said “no comment”, and the story didn’t run. Later I got documents that apparently showed it was true, and lots of more documents and correspondence publish by Der Spiegel backed this up,” Harris said.

Harris brandished a falsified invoice from Manchester City to Etihad claiming 12 million GBP in sponsorship. Producing another document, Harris explained: “And here is an email from Etihad to City, saying, but we only have to pay 4 millions of this, you need get the rest from Abu Dhabi’s Executive Affairs Authority, a branch of government in the UAE.”

The meeting ended with a rendition of Blue Moon.
There's a 90 minute video to accompany the conference where those quotes are taken from.
A heavyweight anti-City, anti-UAE panel of Tariq Panja, Nick Harris, James Corbett, Philip Auclair, David Goldblatt + a couple others all in a row.
I listened to the NicK Harris section spouting his bile and mis-truths. God he's got it bad.
Harris is a shit-stirring liar. There was no employee involved. The "intermediary" he's referring to is probably me. No one at City has ever given me information to pass to a journalist. I sent him some stuff that was publicly available, which is how I got it. He's got form for egregiously lying as well, when he falsely claimed a City blogger had sent him a video.

I do know that, some years ago, he was one of the journalists they thought could be trusted and treated as an adult, with information shared with him that wasn't necessarily shared with others. Sadly, he turned into a bitter and twisted ****, who was actively working with that Liverpool-supporting troll in Littleborough, who was having a go at me, Rabin and others.
Funding from the Executive Council?
Sounds like Harris picked-up on your Open Skies revelation.
The team got within a penalty shootout of winning the tournament. James Tarkowski isn't the fucking answer. There's no club bias at play either, that's a load of bollocks. He's had plenty of players from clubs down the table in his squads. He's picked Maddison despite Leicester having a shite start to the season and only recently picking up form. Rice starts when he's at West Ham. Phillips started when he was at Leeds. Maguire was in the squad in his Leicester days. He picks Trippier from Newcastle over TAA from Liverpool.

Come up with a better name than Tarkowski and I could understand where you're coming from. But there is no better option. You can't hang Maguire out to dry because of his form for the rags when he went into the Euro's similarly out of form and yet made the team of the tournament.

If we had a Sol Campbell, Ledley King, John Terry or Wio waiting in the wings then fine. But we don't. The options are Maguire, Stones, Dier, Coady, Tarkowski, Tomori, Guehi. It's a long list of unproven shite other than Stones. But Maguire is top of the rest of them.
Again, he didn't deserve to be in the team of the tournament, I thought I'd made that clear.

I don't care about Tarkowski either tbh it was more the point we are taking a fucking shite defender to a world cup, a defender that would struggle to be our 6th best CB.

You keep saying unproven, we have had countless friendlies for these unproven players to be given a chance, what is going to happen, for the next WC, you wheeling slabhead out in a wheelchair?

He would certainly be faster like that.

Over the last few years, there has been plenty of players selected because of club bias.
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