Memories of your first time watching City

1975 night game against carlisle.i remember going in the kippax my dad had a milk crate for me to stand on.the floodlights made the pitch look amazing to my 10 yearold eyes.the result we lost 2 1 and it was the first time i heard my dad swear ))))).
I was at that one (not my first, that was a while before that) a very unpleasant atmosphere that day. Seem to remember running battles in The Platt Lane during the game. As you say ,Trevor Francis saw red, Bond scored a great goal us, as did Adrian bloody Heath for them.....don't remember him doing that when he signed for us too often!!!

Forgot Heath scored, he was really good for Everton. The version we got was a disappointment to say the least!

Funny you mention the trouble - I don't recall that at all, I don't know whether I was just to young at the time or whether i just figured that "this is what happens" and it seemed normal.
Andy Hinchcliffe scored two against Shrewsbury Town. I was sat in the North Stand with my Dad. I’ve been hooked ever since..

I was in there too - one was direct from a corner, think the other may have been a penalty possibly.
1975 night game against carlisle.i remember going in the kippax my dad had a milk crate for me to stand on.the floodlights made the pitch look amazing to my 10 yearold eyes.the result we lost 2 1 and it was the first time i heard my dad swear ))))).
My first night game and I think my 5th in total. Stood on the Kippax like you but with my Uncle. Even at that age we were subjected to typical City (as was!!) With a brilliant home record, entertainers galore against the bottom of the league you say we lost 2-1.
Peter Barnex got his first goal for us
Boxing Day 1981 away at Anfield. Very good pal of mine who happens to be a supporter of that team asked if I fancied going to the game...he had a car, we drove up from Northampton. Obviously this was back in the day when you could just rock up, pay your £1.50 or whatever at the turnstile, and you were in. We stood on the Kop, I kept really quiet, and we beat the fuckers 3-1. The only thing I remember of the game is big Joe Corrigan getting hit oh the head by a bottle thrown from the Kop...the bastards haven't changed, have they?
I recently had my 60th birthday & had a chat with my brother about the first time dad took us to see city play,
I must have been around 6 or 7 years old so it would have been around 1968-69 & we parked the car by Alexandra Park (looked it up, Smalldale Avenue & its still there) & despite the attention of the "mind yer car mister" kids I remember some very old bloke with one leg coming out of one of the houses & dad handing him some money to keep a eye on the car, he seemed a really grumpy old bloke but you knew the car would be ok, for some reason I seem to remember dad telling me the bloke had lost his leg in the Boar War but I guess it could have been the first world war,
We then walked up Claremont road, called in at at tobaconists on the right, (elderly couple running it with terrible tales of football hooligans pinching things) so we could get a bag of crisps or a massive wagon wheel,
Past the old Claremont? Cinema on the left & then round the corner to see the ground & see if the camera vans were there & if we were going to be on TV,
Dad trying to keep us kids away from the ticket touts & dodge the dog shit, hot dog stalls & police horses untill we passed the front entrance to Maine Road & got to the corner where you paid to get into the Platt Lane Stand, it was a different gate for kids (make sure you have the right money!) so it was always a worry if we were ever going to find dad again!
Once inside the walls we then started up the never ending steps at the back of the stand & for me this bit was one of the best when you saw the beautiful, huge & amazingly green football pitch!
We then found a space on the wooden bench seats usually just to the right of the goals & about 10-15 rows back, looking over the pitch to the open scoreboard end & the huge mass of people to the right in the Kippax (the bloody kippax stand just looked like it went back into the dark for miles!)
Brilliant times watching the likes of bell, lee, summerbee, young, oakes etc but I still cant stand up at a football game without thinking someone is going to shout SIT DOWN!

Sorry for rambling on a bit, anyone else remember there first time watching city?
Great Post.
Like the comments about seeing the TV vans on the forecourt meaning we would be on the telly.
Last edited:
2nd April 1966
Colin Bell’s home league debut v Plymouth Argyle (1-1)
I was 11, a new lad arrived at our school, name escapes me but surname was Sykes. I soon found out that his Dad (Norman) had just joined Stockport County and had moved from Plymouth Argyle. The family moved in a few doors away from me and me and the son became mates. When City were due to play Plymouth Norman got tickets and invited me and his son to go as guests. Jimmy Meadows was County manager at the time and his son Jamie, myself and the Sykes lad became good friends, I visited the Meadows house a few times not realising at the time he was a City legend.
Johnny Crossan got City’s goal.
My first City matches were at Upton Park in the late 80s, in the home fans end when i must have been 6 or so! I eventually married a former hammerrett who had family ties to Les Sealey so clearly the early years influenced me! I never saw City win back then, in fact I don't remember us ever scoring!

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