Mental/Funny/Surreal things near you

There was an old lady in our village called Dorothy, she looked about 120 and walked around all day asking people for a light for the little fag end she carried round with her. She lived in the local care home, they used to let her out at 8 o clock in the morning and she'd walk round all day. She used to go into the pubs where people would give her proper cigarettes and then 5 minutes later she'd come back in with the tiny stub and ask for a light.
She actually died last year and hardly suprisingly had absolutely nothing and no family. She was going to be buried in a paupers grave (didnt think they still had them) but the local pub had a whip round for her and raised enough for a proper little headstone for her.
Bluechipblue said:
Clevers said:
There used be a chap who walked up and down London Rd in Manchester and stopped every so often and faced the wall before tapping on it with his knuckles.

One person where I worked used to cycle to work in all weather and seasons in just a shirt, trousers and shoes. I remember one day when I was freezing and wearing a thick overcoat, his only concession was he had rolled his sleeves down.
Wonder whether it's the same guy I used to see going to the bus stop on my way to work on Chester Road. He had long black hair and a beard, looked like Christ on a bike. All's he wore everyday, whatever the weather, was a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, grey trousers with bicycle clips and black shoes.
Also, the black guy who would stand rigidly still with the name of a website daubed on a piece of card, stood on the grass verge at the bottom of Trafford Park flyover.

The cyclist sounds like the same guy I saw, apparently he was quite well off, his father had left him some money and he had successfully invested it.

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