
He's a fat **** and nobody respects him. Some of the pros who sit in the studio must think "what the fuck is he doing"?
Time for a new big banner me thinks something that tells ITV they can go fuck themselves and that Chiles is a fucking paedophile.

Or is that pushing it a bit.
Win, lose or draw tonight compare how the dippers will be reported by the same tv and media which have delighted in trying to ridicule my beloved club.

Agenda my ass.
the originalkippaxman said:
Time for a new big banner me thinks something that tells ITV they can go fuck themselves and that Chiles is a fucking paedophile.

Or is that pushing it a bit.

seems fine to me
jimmygrimblesboots said:
cant believe a presenter with a UK TV company , supporting and showing an english team in europe , could show such disrespect and negativity , calling our team mercenaries really is a disgrace , (and to have an ardent rag fan as a pundit is laughable) , but no doubt our club will just meekly accept this insult , and take no action.

It's quite pathetic how the club takes it like a woman.

If I was in charge I would ban ITV reporters, Mail reporters etc. Sky. Sounds draconian and it would probably break several laws. Don't give a shit. Can't believe Mansour doesn't give a fuck that his name is dragged through the mud.

They sit in the press box laughing at our stupidity as they stuff their faces on our hospitality.

Fuming how we deal with the press is a fucking joke we are a massive walk over.
mmmmm. Bitterness towards city nothing to do with Lampard boning that bird he had the hots for on the one show I suppose. I doubt she lies there screaming Adrians name when Lamps is smashing it. ROFL at Chiles and his tiny cock.
Helmet Cole said:
mmmmm. Bitterness towards city nothing to do with Lampard boning that bird he had the hots for on the one show I suppose. I doubt she lies there screaming Adrians name when Lamps is smashing it. ROFL at Chiles and his tiny cock.

Oi, lay off with the tiny cock insults please. Ta.
when that dreary, dullard,dour,d#ckhead, adrian chiles called city a team of mercenaries,
i actually couldnt believe he had the fookin 'nerve' n cheek to say that,and then get away with it.

paul scholes actually rebuffed him,and told him that we are a 'team'.

this was before the controversy over atmosphere,attendance was spouted by scholes.

personally,as a club.
city need to address the' sniping 'issues, and ban people, of the media,accordingly.

they don't deserve our hospitality.

cheeky ---------!!!!

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