
Gabriel said:
And when Adrian jumped ship from the BBC's One Show to host ITV's latest breakfast fiasco, he presumably went for less money...

Yeah this c*nt went in a 5 mil deal to switch to ITV. I can't even get mad at him he's such a joke
Adrian Chiles is an embarrassment.

Personally, I take no notice of what he says - he's an absolute idiot.

He once said at half-time of an England game, "England just need to sort of go and kick it in the goal".
BurnCK said:
Who cares....Chiles is a c*nt. Worst sports presenter going. Constantly thinks he's funny when he's not. He should have stuck to the One Show.

Should have stayed on BBC2's Working Lunch. Him and Tyldesley, can't stand the forced humour from either of them.
The sport media, journalists, commentators & pundits are so biased in this country, its unbelieveable. How the fuck do they get away with it week in week out?!
No-one with any influence in the media is a blue, so they're not arsed if they sound biased, they just want the masses to watch the programme or buy the paper, so they spout ill-informed shit that they think sounds controversial.

However, if we start playing well consistently again and smashing some decent teams we'll get less piss taking. It's easy for pundits to have a pop when players like Yaya are strolling around doing fuck all or when we lose at home to the likes of Stoke. When we were twatting sides regularly the media seemed more positive towards us as everyone could see we were good. The media love a big team to underperform, they're vultures.

What would help us during tough times would be an influential and eloquent blue as PR officer for the club, someone who will take ignorant hacks and hypocrites like Chiles to task over their comments. We're too nice, on and off the pitch.
Ducado said:
Don't worry his career will be taking a nose dive shortly he will be on the midnight slot on Talksport next, he is loathed throughout the country

He's already worth a fortune, he won't give two sh*ts.

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