Well because the trains weren't on this weekend from Rochdale I decided on the tram. Getting there was a breeze even if it does go all around Oldham etc.
Got off at Shudehill jumped in a pub, went back for a tram, no problems.
Coming back though, got on a tram with relative ease, ticking off the stops, then at Kingsway Business Park an announcement 'tram terminating at Newbold' when I got on it said Rochdale. Anyway pulls up at Newbold and yeah the driver telling everyone to get off. When we questioned why it was finishing here. He just went 'it's because I'm 20mins late, because of the football'
Well I'm sorry that's not our fault, I got on a service knowing it was going to Rochdale, not that I'd have to get off and wait 25minutes for another tram.
Joke of a system!!