Phil Meup said:That's because these cases are notoriously difficult to bring to trial, because it's so painful for the victims to re-live their experiences. He wouldn't be on trial unless he was guilty IMO! Do you honestly think the child is lying!!!jimharri said:If he is acquitted/cleared/found not guilty (choose your own terminology), a lot on here simply won't have it. Go through this thread; a sizeable number of BM'ers have him down as guilty, end of.
I think he will get off. He's obvioulsy got enough cash to buy a very good defence team.
Such cases will now almost always go to court and trial, even if its a stab in the dark towards an innocent man, especially if its a young girl as the crown cannot run the risk of letting a guilty man get away, even if it is the smallest chance the accused is guilty, I knew somebody accused and found not guilty of rape after 13 months of bail and there wasn't even the slightest bit of evidence to suggest rape, just that he had said it was consented, it's understanding the way in which it's done but sometimes the real victim can be the accused