Micheal Johnson


Well-Known Member
31 Jul 2008
Manchester City assistant manager Mark Bowen has revealed Michael Johnson is having problems coping with the mental challenges of the game.

The England Under 21 international has been plagued by a pelvic injury which has hampered his progress over the last year.

The injury has restricted Johnson to just three Premier League starts this season and there have been rumours over the player's fitness, attitude and lifestyle away from football.

Bowen admits Johnson's injury problems have been affecting him, but he has backed him to come through his troubles.

Be strong
"Michael is a young lad who has been unlucky," said Bowen. "He has had a nagging injury that has held him back. When Michael in on the training ground and is focused he is a fantastic asset for this club.

"When young players have been in and out of action as long as he has it can mess your mind up a little bit because they just want to be out there playing.

"He has just got to be strong, fight through it, train hard and get back in the team.

"In the early part of the season he was a big player for us and we miss him
standytogilvy said:
not stopping him from hitting the town though
maybe thats the only way he knows how to deal with the pressure? i hope there are the right people in place at the club to guide and advise him correctly because he has great talent
Is he still 'two weeks away' from first team action?
Or was that 2 weeks ago?

Something isnt quite right. It doesnt seem to add up.
havelocke said:
Is he still 'two weeks away' from first team action?
Or was that 2 weeks ago?

Something isnt quite right. It doesnt seem to add up.

I agree, something doesn't seem right with this kid, I hope its purely down to injuries but, I dont know whether he is that dedicated, I heard he refused to come on as a sub earlier in the season, then again this could all be bullshit, just can't work this one out! Quality talent needs to be nutured!
We've been hearing that he's on the verge of returning to action for a couple of months now. I really hope the lad gets his head straight because he's an exceptional prospect.
standytogilvy said:
not stopping him from hitting the town though

I personally do not believe this to be the case, but if, IF, it is then there are other members of our playing staff to whom it seems natural he should talk to, ones who have been there before and have got over it.
Dr.Faustus said:
standytogilvy said:
not stopping him from hitting the town though

I personally do not believe this to be the case, but if, IF, it is then there are other members of our playing staff to whom it seems natural he should talk to, ones who have been there before and have got over it.

yeah, like didi perhaps? ;-)
havelocke said:
Dr.Faustus said:
I personally do not believe this to be the case, but if, IF, it is then there are other members of our playing staff to whom it seems natural he should talk to, ones who have been there before and have got over it.

yeah, like didi perhaps? ;-)

Haha, more speculation I did not mean to create any! I simply meant with Dunne's well reported problems of old... though I doubt Didi could make it over a hill nowadays his legs always look tired

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