Micheal Johnson

Biggsy1 said:
havelocke said:
Is he still 'two weeks away' from first team action?
Or was that 2 weeks ago?

Something isnt quite right. It doesnt seem to add up.

I agree, something doesn't seem right with this kid, I hope its purely down to injuries but, I dont know whether he is that dedicated, I heard he refused to come on as a sub earlier in the season, then again this could all be bullshit, just can't work this one out! Quality talent needs to be nutured!

i think you dropped an 'e' there
If he wants to look for an example of how a career can be turned around then look no further than our captain, Richard Dunne. Used to love his booze but turned into a fantastic asset to the club once he got his head switched on. The problem is at that stage we probably didn't have enough money to replace him, now if Johnson doesn't follow suit quickly then he'll be replaced pretty sharpish in my books.
Lord BLue said:
Biggsy1 said:
I agree, something doesn't seem right with this kid, I hope its purely down to injuries but, I dont know whether he is that dedicated, I heard he refused to come on as a sub earlier in the season, then again this could all be bullshit, just can't work this one out! Quality talent needs to be nutured!

i think you dropped an 'e' there

What d'ya mean?
Mark - TheBlue said:
Jesus Surley Dunne can tell the kid hitting the booze and keep ringing in sick doesnt get you anywere.

If he is going to drink then he'll drink. It's like smoking in that respect. You cannot physically take the cig or alcohol out of his hand every single time he goes for it can he? Dunne is not a babysitter but he should be having words in his ear and advising him, otherwise he could turn out like gazza minus the standard of talent in comparison.
mj was rumoured to of been ejected from the xmas party being sick all over and went into a casino and spent x amount in one swoop
I was always willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as far these rumours went but when Bowen is making comments like that its obvious that something is wrong so they've decided to make it known. It pisses me off becuase he held out for a new contract with higher wages than he derserves and he certainly doesnt warrant it, this is a very bad example to the rest of the academy, if he doesnt get his shit together sack him for gross misconduct and he can find himself a nice little 9 to 5!

If any other 'Professional' behaved like this in their given line of work they would be sacked before you could say 'The Next Colin Bell'.
C_T_I_D said:
Mark - TheBlue said:
Jesus Surley Dunne can tell the kid hitting the booze and keep ringing in sick doesnt get you anywere.

If he is going to drink then he'll drink. It's like smoking in that respect. You cannot physically take the cig or alcohol out of his hand every single time he goes for it can he? Dunne is not a babysitter but he should be having words in his ear and advising him, otherwise he could turn out like gazza minus the standard of talent in comparison.

No i no you cant chain him to carrington and say "Bad Johnson!! Bad!!" but just a word would be somthing. Were going through a big change and to be honest no matter how young he is i think if he is going to keep doing this he going to end up more and more pushed out the side surley.
That would be funny. 'Bad Johnson, bad' and Mark Hughes wagging his finger in his face.

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