Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

There are many, many verified accounts of this from many different reputable sources, including a family friend who is a medic working in Rafah right now.

Yes, what Hamas did to Israelis was horrific—I don’t think any right minded person would argue otherwise.

But what is being done now to Palestinians, supposedly in retribution for the 7th October attacks, is worse in my opinion, because it is lowering Israel to the level of a terrorist organisation, undertaking the genocidal activities that Hamas could only dream of achieving. It should be against the conscience and nature of all Jewish people to condone and support this, after all that we have been through.

I have said this many times but I will say it again:

If Israel is better than Hamas, more moral, more righteous, then it must act better, more moral, more righteous.

You cannot claim to be in the right compared to your enemy and then act in the same way as your enemy, only at a much larger and much more destructive scale.

That is the disingenuous, hypocritical, immoral behaviour of detestable people. And, unfortunately, the Israeli government is filled with just those sorts of people right now, none more so than Netanyahu, Gallant, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich.

Israel has become the very thing it was founded to avoid. And, really, if you study the genesis of the idea of modern day Israel, it was always moving toward this (as it started in this way).

Still, in my youth, living in Tel Aviv, I naively thought things could be changed and peace could be achieved. And then Netanyahu and Likud became influential, helped incite Rabin’s assassination, and I began to lose hope the far-right in Israel could be isolated and kept at the fringe. I still tried to do my part by working in Gaza and advocating for a two-state solution as I grew older, but I think deep-down I knew it was a losing battle.

And now it seems the far-right is Israel, for all intents and purposes.
Absolutely brilliant post mate.
Jews are indigenous to Judea & Samaria aren’t they?

Not before they got there.

Someone else was there before them.

In any case, were "Jews" ever settled in Samaria? That was the other ten tribes of Israel. Not much to justify including the northern tribes as Jews.

It's a leap for the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to lay claim to territory east of the Jordan given the criticism in the Torah (Numbers 32) of the tribes who wanted to stay east of the Jordan. (And that G-d later "removed them out of his sight" for their idolatry.)

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If you are asking whether I support their actions in Gaza, yes.
Who knew...
Is it illegal, is it an annexation.
Yep Confirmation of the long held (1967 borders) international position.
Can you annex your own land?
If you are arguing biblically I guess anything goes.
I have spent time in Israel over the past 45+ years and have many friends as well as family there.
I would never have guessed ...
The vast majority of people living in Israel of all religions just want to live in peace and get on with a normal life.
Like a one state solution with equal rights?
And if people don’t like what I have said then do what I do and block me.
and miss slapstick moments like this .... no chance
Don’t try and bully me and use Israel bingo as firstly I probably won’t see it and secondly I don’t really care. Happy to discuss sensibly with people but not those who take their views from the likes of Al jazeera, the Hadids and Corbyn.
Discuss sensibly he says ..... fucking laughable if only the reality weren't so tragic.
Is it illegal, is it an annexation. Can you annex your own land?
Obviously you can, and most settlers have no claim to the land.
How can some settler from, lets say Boston whose great grand parents where European Jews have claim to annex land in states bordering Israel?

That's like me going over to Tipperary, kicking some **** out his house and saying it's mine because my great grandmas family lived there 150 yrs ago.

Since modern Israels formation and those that went there as post war refugees, then we are past the point where the place can be debied as antion as some try to and those refugees and their children born in Israel have a legitimate claim to live in lands within it's internationally recognised borders (not gaza or the west bank) some american, canadian, european or other fucker who isn't born there and whose only ties is their religion and ancestry is an immigrant just like any other person moving from country of birth to another (I know Israel policy on citizenship before anyone replies) also when they steal a palestinians house and land they're a tresspasser and annexing property they have no claim to

we are 70+ years on from the original formation of the modern nation, it should be treated like any other country that would act like this, illegal settlements are that illegal and should be condemmed by all.
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Obvipusly you can, and most settlers have no claim to the land.
How can some settler from, lets say Boston whose great grand parents where European Jews have claim to annex land in states bordering Israel?

That's like me going over to Tipperary, kicking some **** out his house and saying it's mine because my great grandmas family lived their 150 yrs ago.

Since modern Israels formation and those that went there as post war refugees, then we are past the point where the place can be debied as antion as some try to and those refugees and their children born in Israel have a legitimate claim to live in lands within it's internationally recognised borders (not gaza or the west bank) some american, canadian, european or other fucker who isn't born there and whose only ties is their religion and ancestry is an immigrant just like any other person moving from country of birth to another (I know Israel policy on citizenship before anyone replies) also when they steal a palestinians house and land a tresspasser and annexing property they have no claim to

we are 70+ years on from the original formation of the modern nation, it should be treated like any other country that would act like this, illegal settlements are that illegal and should be condemmed by all.
Same we everyone (almost) condemned Putin when he tried to undo WW2 boundary changes. I think folk are afraid to go up against Israel, you are immediately branded anti semitic or a Nazi.
Watching Israel bomb Yemen, I’m reminded what our famous foreign policy expert told us about the efficacy of these strikes.

Wouldn't it be great if another country stuck up for the Palistinians, armed them all and even put boots on the ground to get them their land back. Ycmiu that Countries are still arming Israel to murder children in Gaza. It truly is fucked up.
It seems Israel has embarked on a campaign to get everyone in the region to fight them. The attacked Houthis. Hamas. Hezbollah and so on - my guess is when retaliation they will want help from the West including us.

Can I just point out that in the Falklands war the Argentine airforce flew a number of successful sorties over places like Bluff Cove in IAI Daggers which were French Mirages license built by Israel and exported to to Argentina TO ATTACK THE BRITISH ARMED FORCES

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