Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

You will be telling me people who don't think like you are all anti-semitic next. Then we are back at page 3 of this thread. Again.

But what about this for a hypothetical. Netanyahu has been waiting for an opportunity to do "this" (whatever this turns out to be) for years and this would have been the response whether 1400 Israelis had been killed by thousands of Hamas fighters, or 40 by 20. Would that make the disproportionate response the fault of Hamas or Netanyahu?
He may well have , I don't think you'll find any post where I have done anything other than criticismr Netanyahu, I do however state he is a product of actions against Isreal , you can just chose which periods of history you wish to be relevant
From what I've read Israel/Mosaad has heavily infiltrated Hamas and have plenty of informants on the inside, some very highly placed within the organisation. They aren't entirely reliant eavesdropping technology.

That only gets mentioned when we want to say how good the Israeli intelligence services are. We can forget about it if it's inconvenient.
So exactly what are Hamas to do. Every month Israel annexes more land in the West Bank. In the last 10 years Israeli deaths have been at an all time low and yet no carrot is offered, instead just more harassment, humiliation and land seizures aided and abetted by the police and army.
Like I keep saying I condoned settlements and Netanyahu, he's a product of actions against isreal
I presume you meant condemned.
It's true in reverse too.
Hamas are a product of Israeli actions against Palestinians.
Ofc yes ,
I agree to a point on the latter, innocent palestians feeling heartache pain and discontent along with many more adjectives is , hammas don't care about those people however, just in as much as natanthu doesn't. I separate the two
He may well have , I don't think you'll find any post where I have done anything other than criticismr Netanyahu, I do however state he is a product of actions against Isreal , you can just chose which periods of history you wish to be relevant

I absolutely agree with that. Of course there is a chain of events over 80 years and more that set everyone on this path, but choosing last month's attack as the start is just as bad as saying any attack on Palestinians was the start.

We were where we were after the Hamas attack. There were alternative ways to react, this way was chosen for whatever reason, not forced on Netanyahu. All imho of course.
Trolling really? It's a reasonable and logical question to ask. If someone stated what isn't proportionate but then in the same passage gave some alternatives, that's great. But that doesn't happen on an awful lot of occasions. So I don't see the issue personally, or shall we just keep the narrative the same to suit certain posters.

Fair enough :)

Knock yourself out. Don't be surprised if I keep replying with "Again?", though.
Meanwhile in the West Bank, over 1400 arrested and the world yet again turns a blind eye to the settler terrorism:

The man in Israeli military uniform sliced off Mohamed’s clothes with a knife, urinated on him, and then, after relentlessly beating him, they tried to rape him with a stick. He details the assault in the village of Wadi al-Siq, about 20 miles northeast of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank.

Mohamed Mattar, 46, a Palestinianactivist and humanitarian had come to this Bedouin community, to assist 30 Palestinians families that lived there. They appealed for help, as attacks by Israeli settlers across the occupied West Bank had surged and become dangerously violent, in the aftermath of Hamas’s brutal attack in southern Israelon 7 October.

There were reports that armed settlers were planning a “cleansing day” in retaliation for the Hamas that killed 1,400 people. And so on that day - 12 October - panicked families in Wadi As-Siq who had already been subjected to multiple terrifying armed raids, decided to evacuate. With Mohamed’s help they began loading the cars up, but before they could successfully leave, two pick up trucks packed with armed settlers and men in military uniforms, arrived.

Mohamed says the men, he identifies them as a mix of Israeli police, soldiers and settlers in military uniforms, forced those gathered to empty the bags gunpoint, and found kitchen knives among the belongings. Mohamed says they accused him of planning to stab one of them.

“They took me and two other men deep into the village so that no one could hear our voices. And then they took turns to hit us one by one for 2 hours,” Mohamed tells The Independent, while showing photos of his injuries immediately after the attack, and the scars which still crisscross his body. He was blindfolded and his hands were bound by metal wire which have left permanent gouge marks on his wrists.

He says one of his assailants – who he believes to be an Israeli settler in military uniform – then cut off his clothes with a knife, sprayed him with water, urinated on him and started beating him savagely with sticks, and a rifle.

My attacker lost his mind, he started jumping on my back to break my spine like he wanted to disable me. He kept shouting “All Arabs should die, all who don’t die, should go to Jordan,” Mohamed says.

Then the man tried to insert a stick into Mohamed’s anus, he says. “I fought him hard to get him off my back to stop him from assaulting me like this. He broke the stick into three pieces by beating me.”

In the end, after multiple calls were made to Israeli military, a commander intervened. Mohamed was released and remains wounded weeks later.

But the 30 families, comprising 180 people including 25 children, were forced to flee their homes despite living in Wadi As-Siq for more than three decades.

“They told us at gunpoint we had to leave,” says Ali Arrara, 35, a father of five, speaking from a tent in an olive grove in a nearby town where he is now camping with the other displaced families.

“I wanted to take the medicine for my immunocompromised three-year-old daughter from the fridge but they wouldn’t even allow me to do that.

“They destroyed the fridge and the medicines in front of me,” he adds.

The children, who now live in fear, and cannot stop crying. Behind him one of his sons, a six-year-old boy, is in floods of tears.

“My older daughter, who is four years old, was so scared. Now whenever she sees a car or pick up truck she screams ‘they are coming’,” Ali says.

The story of Wadi as-Siq story is not an isolated one. The occupied West Bank is fast “boiling” over, according to the UN, whose top officials have repeatedly raised the alarm. They fear a spillover risk from Gaza which could open another front in this already devastating war.

More here:
Do you believe that? It's complete nonsense of course they haven't, if they has the attacks on Oct 7th would have been prevented

Pretty sure I have read on reputable news sites that Israel had paid informers in Gaza? Maybe I imagined it. Can you be so sure?
I absolutely agree with that. Of course there is a chain of events over 80 years and more that set everyone on this path, but choosing last month's attack as the start is just as bad as saying any attack on Palestinians was the start.

We were where we were after the Hamas attack. There were alternative ways to react, this way was chosen for whatever reason, not forced on Netanyahu. All imho of course.
What were the alternatives, however ? I've sat and thought about it so many times a day , I hate what's happening, but it was predicable it was obvious from that day that Hammas did it knowing what would happen they don't care about innocent palestians being killed

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