Middle East Conflict (merged)

A truly shocking murder of an innocent journalist.

Thoughts are also with the families of 3 innocent civilians murdered this week which for whatever reason didn’t quite make this thread?

More senseless killings of innocent people. One day politicians will put pride and personal prejudice to one side at do the decent thing.
At the time I was never comfortable with the Thatcher and her Ministers, (I am aware that Blair continued it) sitting down with the IRA but look at what that has achieved. Children at the time are now adults, they have grown up knowing nothing but peace.
It would be nice to try and understand why the Israelis are doing this, not sure that they can explain this away.

From my understanding, this is a continued case of ‘This is not my land but I want it so I will overpower you and take it anyway’. Somebody please put me right if I am wrong?

If I’m not wrong, Isreal may as well just jump into Putin’s bed.
If the Israelis continue to act like this they must expect violence to be returned.
If you have nothing to live for, you may as well die whilst killing the enemy.
Israel is a lawless state, they act without any control and they see life as meaningless.
Can anyone justify what they are doing ?
are they offering any justification for this shit? By that I mean provable definitive shit not the usual Israeli bollock?



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