Now, where is that graphic of the "command and control centre" under the hospital that the IDF distributed when you need it?
Imho, they haven't found what they said was there. Were there tunnels there? Yes, of course. I would have put tunnels under there if I was Hamas. Was there a connection to the tunnels inside the hospital grounds? Very probably. It's a big hospital. Did they communicate from under the hospital. Presumably, yes. But was it the "beating heart" of Hamas? I haven't seen anything to justify that, quite honestly.
When your “soldiers” wear street garb, while carrying RPGs, that war crime, but because the IDF haven’t found “enough” terrorist infrastructure for you, there’s nothing to see? Nothing to justify attacking and destroying these tunnels?
WTF is going on in the world that there are so many terrorist sympathizers everywhere? What happened on Oct 7th was horrific. The IDF is hunting down the perpetrators, who like to use human shields and dissolve into the general population when on the run in their guerilla war. What part of that was never going to get ugly?
I dared suggest on Day One that this was going to turn into a propaganda war, because people always want “a reason” for everything and want to feel satisfied that justification meets their individual threshold. That’s the crazy You Tibe/Tik Tok/X world we live in! Find a few seconds of video clip that looks bad, esp when removed from any context, and run with it like hell! When the clicks stop, lather, rinse, repeat!
Meanwhile, we are creating division across almost all sectors of society and feeding the prejudices of everyone, no matter their “side” or beliefs.
The world us on fire, autocrats are gaining power and prominence, and the poor are looking for solutions to their plight in “otherism.”
This isn’t going to end well, because nationalism has been bubbling under the surface and it’s about to explode. Netherlands is just such a result and Ireland’s riots were reflexive enough to show that lawlessness is one YouTube video from exploding anywhere where disaffection is rife…and it’s rife EVERYWHERE!