Middle East Conflict

I worry about the longer term. I don't doubt the ability of the current Israeli govt to plough on and eradicate Palestinians to their hearts content, but I think it will draw decades of Islamist terrorism to Israel and those that are seen to support and arm the genocide. We appear to have learned nothing from the years since 9/11.

Thanks for bringing up potentially future terrorists who will not only be targeting Israel but its allies smh.

A sobering fact to remember to is that probably every child in Gaza is familiar with the stench of rotting human corpses by now. Take a moment to think about that.
Thanks for bringing up potentially future terrorists who will not only be targeting Israel but its allies smh.

A sobering fact to remember to is that probably every child in Gaza is familiar with the stench of rotting human corpses by now. Take a moment to think about that.
There are now a good few generations of angry orphans in the middle east that our own kids will have to deal with :-(

This guy is a sociopath.

He is disgrace to Israel, along with Netanyahu and his far-right coalition.

Take note that he repeated what Netanyahu and his cronies have said over and over “we’ll investigate once the war is over”. Only after the “war” is “over”. “This is not the time.”

And people doubt assertions that many of us have made that Netanyahu (et al) wants to extend the war for as long as possible, even if it requires expansion in to Lebanon.
I worry about the longer term. I don't doubt the ability of the current Israeli govt to plough on and eradicate Palestinians to their hearts content, but I think it will draw decades of Islamist terrorism to Israel and those that are seen to support and arm the genocide. We appear to have learned nothing from the years since 9/11.
We have been making this case in here—and, to be fair, there are entities in Israel making the same case—that Netanyahu and his far-right regime are not only committing genocide, but destroying any hope for peace and security for Israel in the coming decades.

The issue is he has actually been undermining peace and security for quite sometime—well before the 7th October attacks.

His (and Likud’s) main party message has always been that only he and they can ensure the security of God’s anointed nation (and prevent any sort of two-state solution). And, the tragically ironic requirement to sustain perceived legitimacy of this claim, is his continual efforts to install and/or empower Hamas, PIJ, and Hezbollah (among other entities) to maintain “useful enemies” of the state. All of that whilst also degrading the power—and breaking the unity that may develop—of the PLO, PA, and other factions that may be upon to peace talks and deescelation.

In many ways he has been the Kahanists’ inside man for decades.
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A real Israeli and a testament to Jewish (and really all) people everywhere.

It is easy to have strong ethical beliefs and moralistic convictions when there are no consequences for holding them.

What separates good people of conviction from the rest is when they are willing to face the negative—sometimes horrific—consequences imposed on them (often by malicious actors and corrupted authorities) rather than compromising or recanting.
Israel will reap what they sow if they continue. Like someone said above, they're breeding the next gen of terrorists.

Che Guevara, when confronted with the inhuman politics of America that caused the suffering to the cubans that che Guevara was treating (He was a doctor or practising to be one). The horrors, the death and brutality of what he perceived to be an evil regime drove him to want to fire nukes at america. Nevermind the suffering to his own people, it was a lost cause anyway, nevermind the world going up in flames, as long as his hatred (And Castro) was satisfied and the enemy beaten. The only way to win is to destroy everything once you have nothing to lose.

Its that hatred I see that will be done to Israel from one of this generation of Gazans. I dont think I am being overly dramatic when I say that one of this generation that Israel are persecuting, are going to use some form of WMD in future, I mean whats to lose now they have nothing. Netenyahu is that stupid. His people need to stop voting for him.

Most will not realize how crazy it is this level of discourse is taking place on a channel like MSNBC, on a JoeNBC segment dubbed Biden “favorite” show.

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