Middle East Conflict

This is odd. How did one of the best intelligence agencies in the world not know this was coming?

Partisan politics has reached the agencies according to some reports. Having the right politics better than competence apparently. Netanyahu looking at a government of national unity. Some think Netanyahu won’t survive this.
Is this a stupid question? Why are the Palestinians automatically terrorists?
Genuine question, what exactly/specifically makes them terrorists?

Generally when you indiscriminately fire rockets and kill and kidnap people, it’s usually considered a bit terroristey.
I have a feeling this is going to escalate into a decisive "winner takes all" conflict.
Hamas cannot be seen to back down and the IDF will not tolerate their continued existence after this.
Generally when you indiscriminately fire rockets and kill and kidnap people, it’s usually considered a bit terroristey.

Depends on who's doing it. This thread only got bumped because it was Israel on the receiving end this time. I disagree with some of the tactics used today, I can see why it happened though.
If you want one incident that kicked it all off, you'd probably have to go back to the Judean revolt against Rome in the first century AD, which ended in 79 AD with the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the second temple.

That led to the deaths or enslavement of about one third of the then-Jewish population and the exile of probably another third, with the rest remaining.

So it's all the Italians' fault and maybe we should have mass protests outside San Carlo's or Pizza Express.
Don't forget the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians for their share in the Diaspora. Going into the promised land wasn't exactly a peaceful operation though.
I am shocked to read messages here, not a lot to be honest, that try to somehow justify the devastating terrorist attack that happened today and is still happening at these moments.

Hundreds of murdered Israelis - most of them civilians, including children, women and old people, some of them Holocaust survivors, who were simply executed in their own homes. Dozens of Israeli abductees, most of them civilians - including babies and little kids, who were taken into Gaza controlled by Hamas, a terrorist organization for those who somehow seem to have forgotten.
Among other things, since this morning more than 3,000 missiles have been fired at Israel and I, like most of the Israeli's residents, have been in shelters since morning.

I can understand people who support the Palestinians and support their will to have a state, even though I think most of them don't really know the facts and the reality here in Israel, but let's say I can understand the support for the Palestinians from a human point of view. But to support or justify such a murderous act of terrorism is a shame.

Try to think how you would feel if God forbid you received such a terrorist attack on your country, killing hundreds of innocent people, taking dozens of them as hostages? Now you will understand that this has been the reality in Israel for decades with tens of thousands of missiles and thousands of deaths in just the last 20 years from Hamas in Gaza, after Israel was ready to remove the "occupation" from Gaza and gave them independence.

Now tell me if you would allow a Palestinian state to be established in the heart of the State of Israel in Judea and Samaria? It is probably easy to criticise Israel thousands of miles away in your safe homes and countries.

I pray that innocent people will not be harmed on both sides, but Israel will have to destroy Hamas this time.
Why shouldn't they have their own state and who are you to deny them one on the flimsy excuse that they might not be friendly to you once they have one?
Do you honestly think the Palestinians, or any other group of people in their position are just going to shut up, sit in a corner and soak up all the injustice, discrimination and violence you can throw at them?
If the Israelis let them have a state then no one could support or condone the Palestinians committing acts of violence.
However if you're going to take away their country and coop them up in a tiny bantustan, blockade them, kill their men, women and children, the vast majority of them civilians, by bombing them indiscriminately whenever you feel like it, because you can with impunity, with the highest tech weapons the world has ever known then you can understand them getting pissed off and wanting to give you a taste of your own medicine from time to time.
Generally when you indiscriminately fire rockets and kill and kidnap people, it’s usually considered a bit terroristey.
This is something the State of Israel carries out as a matter of state policy all the time.
So is it still a bit terroristey when they do it or is just when the Palestinians do it?
Is this a stupid question? Why are the Palestinians automatically terrorists?
Genuine question, what exactly/specifically makes them terrorists?
By Palestinian’s, do you mean Hamas?

If so, would it help if I posted a definition of “terrorist”?


Now you’ve read the above, do you still require an explanation as to how firing 5,000 rockets indiscriminately into civilian residential areas, combined with an air, sea and land attack to kill civilians in their homes and take hostages back into Gaza would be deemed terrorism?

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