Interesting post. Here's some of my thoughts.I spend far too much of my time these days watching interviews on YouTube.
Call it research call it fact finding, whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to post any up here because I think it’s noticeable that nobody is trying to defend what’s happening.
I fully accept that there are contributors in here of Jewish heritage whether you call that secular or of deeply rooted Judaism. No matter. I was brought up Catholic, Christian, whatever, but see the lot as a millstone around our necks as humans that was never ever designed for any other purpose other than to control the masses.
It’s not something that should be governing the 21st century.
Israel in my mind was a bad idea from the start.
It is a European solution to a European Jewish problem.
That in itself sounds anti-Semitic, doesn’t it?
And don’t get me started on that guilt trip of anti-semitism which seems to be a coverall response to truth they don’t like to hear.
Look up the Oxford Dictionary meaning of Semitic and Anti-Semitic and tell me when the Arab world were dropped from the Semitic part.
The trouble with where this is going is that Zionism by its nature is forcing an accelerated demise of Israel. Can you have an illusion of the only democracy in the Middle East that can only be permanently maintained by military superiority?
If you are Jewish and living there, is that what you want?
Where is there ever going to be security or normality in that.
Seriously? Unless like your Evangelical Christian backers in the west, you are looking forward to the end of days, or some such.
How was it ever defendable that someone of Jewish persuasion born in New York, has more right to live in Jerusalem than an Arab born in Jerusalem.
Not only a right to go there, but forcibly taking the home’s of said Arabs.
This has been going on since 1917 with western backing. Militias were funded and started settling in the 1920’s.
My biggest disappointment is the silence of the European nations.
The US and the UK? Never expected any more from them, to be honest.
But the EU nations have been complicit with their silence.
Israel doesn’t exist without Western backing.
Western backing is trying to justify the unjustifiable in my book.
Read that any way you want, but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe a version other than this of Israel could exist.
I have no time for Zionism however.
Historically there seems to be a general acceptance (from reasonable historians) that both sets of people have a right to the land. Classing one group as the immigrants or, as Suella Braverman would say 'invaders', just does not hold.
I totally agree Israel, a western thinking population, is in the wrong place but where else could they have settled after being murdered in their millions in Russia and 'civilised' Europe? Also remember it was not just the German Nazis who hated the Jews. There were millions of collaborators in conquered France, Netherlands etc who were quite happy to point out Jews who needed to be gassed.
The number of Jews living in muslim/Arab countries is minimal. Surely that tells it's own story?
It's war, and in war the victors usually kill more people than the losers. In war attrocities happen every single day. That's what war is, killing people. But if the Palestinians had the weaponry that the Israelis have then this war would be over now with millions of Jews dead. You may disagree with that statement but it is at the heart of why people (and western governments) sympathise with the Israeli side, it's the lesser evil in a war of evil intent.
Hopefully a satisfactory compromise will be found but a compromise requires reasonable people who can accept not 'winning' and that appears to be beyond many in this conflict.