Middle East Conflict

So you’re saying that we can’t expect the same from non-western nations. That’s pretty racist towards the inhabitants of those countries.
There was a reason 'western' was in quotes. It is a phrase used to describe 'developed' nations. I'd consider many countries east of the UK to be 'western' by that definition. It's nothing more than a phrase, so I wouldn't try to hang the hat of my argument on it if I were you.
As much as I agree with the right of the Jewish people to self-determination, I don't see how there will ever be peace in its current guise.

If I came into your garden, set up my deckchair in it and put a fence up around two thirds of it so you couldn't get in I imagine you might be somewhat irritated. If I then kept popping up in your bit and putting down some plant pots I think you would be more annoyed still. If I could see you were annoyed so I started pelting you with garden trimmings you might get more mad still.

Agreed, it's a bit of an absurd analogy and the reality is many times worse, but in that scenario would you just give up those bits of your garden?

The fact of the matter is that the self-determined location of the Jewish state is in one of the most controversial and religiously divided areas of the world. Give them New Jersey and the world would be a lot more peaceful, but that wouldn't be acceptable to them. Given the history of the area (Israel, not New Jersey!), I can understand that perspective too.

Around and around we go.
Your right it's a poor analogy, most nights I find a neighbour sat in my garden for the sun, I make them a brew or give them a glass of wine, they do go home at nights and cut my grass mind, she's 78 and I'm not expecting any form of annexing just yet, this forum will result in the square root of fuck all, but it'd be nice to see a concensus that both sides are being cunts.would you agree ?
There was a reason 'western' was in quotes. It is a phrase used to describe 'developed' nations. I'd consider many countries east of the UK to be 'western' by that definition. It's nothing more than a phrase, so I wouldn't try to hang the hat of my argument on it if I were you.
The point remains that you’re saying that the UN holds Israel to higher standards of behaviour that it holds other countries because the inhabitants of those countries can’t be expected to behave any better. Whether they’re developed or not, shouldn’t the UN hold everyone to the same standards or are the inhabitants of the less developed nations just savages?
Absolutely. All I ask is that the cunts with the bigger guns show a bit more self-restraint.
Unfortunately there's a universal truth, the cunts with the biggest guns and the most money tend to wibe and the little guy has to come to the table with some contrition, it's shit but I live in the real world, as I've said does peace suit the political movers on either side ? I've had to deal with the fuckers on a professional level over the years and it's all about power and fuck all to do with right and wrong.
The point remains that you’re saying that the UN holds Israel to higher standards of behaviour that it holds other countries because the inhabitants of those countries can’t be expected to behave any better. Whether they’re developed or not, shouldn’t the UN hold everyone to the same standards or are the inhabitants of the less developed nations just savages?
Not at all. The meaning was entirely that you expect a leopard to have spots. Certain leaders might be holding their countries back economically and making decisions that many would consider to be war crimes, but that doesn't mean that another country that is comparatively more settled and advanced economically should be held to the same standards. Just because we aren't able to do something about the actions of country X and have got to the point where those actions simply feel normal doesn't mean we shouldn't question the actions of country Y. Would your preference be that people expected Israel to be a spotted leopard so that there was less scrutiny?
Unfortunately there's a universal truth, the cunts with the biggest guns and the most money tend to wibe and the little guy has to come to the table with some contrition, it's shit but I live in the real world, as I've said does peace suit the political movers on either side ? I've had to deal with the fuckers on a professional level over the years and it's all about power and fuck all to do with right and wrong.
The unfortunate thing is that to those in power, 1,000 guns isn't necessarily more powerful than 1,000 people. As a result, the two sides just keep setting the two against each other. From most perspectives, lives lost trumps most things. The guns do more physical harm, but in the world of social media that is becoming less of an advantage.
Not at all. The meaning was entirely that you expect a leopard to have spots. Certain leaders might be holding their countries back economically and making decisions that many would consider to be war crimes, but that doesn't mean that another country that is comparatively more settled and advanced economically should be held to the same standards. Just because we aren't able to do something about the actions of country X and have got to the point where those actions simply feel normal doesn't mean we shouldn't question the actions of country Y. Would your preference be that people expected Israel to be a spotted leopard so that there was less scrutiny?
Sorry that’s a load of waffle. There’s two possibilities. The UN are focussing excessively on Israel because they are anti-Israel or they are focussing excessively on Israel because they expect more from them than they expect from the others. Neither are good reasons and both involve racism, either towards Israel or towards everyone else. I know where my money is.
Anyway all this is a digression from the issue under discussion so I’ll leave it there.
Sorry that’s a load of waffle. There’s two possibilities. The UN are focussing excessively on Israel because they are anti-Israel or they are focussing excessively on Israel because they expect more from them than they expect from the others. Neither are good reasons and both involve racism, either towards Israel or towards everyone else. I know where my money is.
My money would be on them holding Israel to a higher standard. I'd like to think that is because they are expecting an advanced capitalist free-market economy with a free and fair electoral process should be held to a higher standard than those that don't meet those ideological principles. I see nothing wrong with that if you're talking about the whole 'Why is Israel condemned more than Syria' issue, not that I agree they are in all circles.
My money would be on them holding Israel to a higher standard. I'd like to think that is because they are expecting an advanced capitalist free-market economy with a free and fair electoral process should be held to a higher standard than those that don't meet those ideological principles. I see nothing wrong with that if you're talking about the whole 'Why is Israel condemned more than Syria' issue, not that I agree they are in all circles.
Syria is just one example. There’s dozens more.

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