Middle East Conflict

How many women and children have been precision bombed to date? The likely number of bodies under the precision bombed civilian housing probably means the current number is way understated. Precision weapons my fucking arse

2 entirely separate points.

They are using precision guided ordinance and not carpet bombing which is something entirely different.
When you hit every single crossroad in a densely populated city with 1000lb JDAM it is actually much worse than carpet bombing. But you are forgetting that IDF never kills civiians.
Can you prove what you are stating in that first sentence? It sounds ridiculous.
I can't believe I'm posting a Telegraph link. This is the precision bombing that's been happening. Damage not Accuracy is what the IDF have stated.

Because it was a lie and the lie was being accepted as a truth without any facts emerging.

Same with the "decapitated babies" stories. I fell for it briefly, as did many others on here, but again, there was little evidence to prove it was true, but by then it was already accepted as "fact" and condemned. Same thing happened here, yet whilst we all rolled back on the babies story, some are reluctant to roll back on the "intentional hospital bombing by IDF" one, even when the same amount of contrary evidence has been provided.
Many parts of the white phosphorous videos released by Hamas?turned out to be videos from the Russian bombing of Syria and shelling in Ukraine OR flares being released from Israeli planes to avoid AA.
So are we assuming now that 500 people didn't die in the hospital?
The car park and hospital entrances off it could have been badly damaged.
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2 entirely separate points.

They are using precision guided ordinance and not carpet bombing which is something entirely different.

Being pedantic, you can carpet bomb using precision guided ordnance. Carpet bombing is just the complete and systematic destruction of an area using a large amount of ordnance.
Widely reported 6000 bombs in 10 days, more than the USA dropped on Afghanistan in an entire year, would suggest otherwise.
Kind of depends on the targets and whether the target intelligence is correct. Some WILL be wrong. Most WILL be accurate, but even so collateral damage WILL happen.

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