Middle East Conflict

Is a movement avowedly seeking a home for one race necessarily racist? Given the persecution many Jews faced in the late 19th century in Europe, it was more about a place of safety. Obviously attitudes to Arabs (and others) would now be considered racist.

I wouldn't have thought many Zionists were fascist by most definitions (most were far more to the left). Even those who wanted an alliance with Nazi Germany in WW2 were motivated by distrust of the British.

Plenty of very prominent Jewish people thought it was a fascist undertaking from the beginning.

A fair question. Is Zionism Democratic?
Or probably more accurate, is all Zionism Democratic.?
It's more accurate to think of Zionism as factional, with an annual Congress to try and find some unity / avoid splits. It was more about trying to organise immigration than voting. Now, not all Zionists are democratic because some varieties of Zionism are plainly minority varieties, including the settler movement.
Talking of smear merchants there are not too many bigger than this ****. Did all he could to sabotage his own party then fucked off and took a peerage from Johnson. Not too keen on his new found allies against the 'hate marchers' by the looks of it. Fuck him.

Had to be there for some reason though - I mean who goes for a stroll around town in a beret sporting the regimental cockade?
To quote Spike Milligan everybody has to be somewhere. We can only guess when it was or why they were there a quick google tells you that Debenhams started to be demolished in May so the original claim is obviously false.

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