1,400 plus Israeli's murdered and 22,000 plus Palestinians murdered in Netanyahu's genocide.
Western governments are shamefully complicit in this for sure and have been for decades in an unequal struggle.
Neither Netanyahu's far right regime nor Hamas want a peaceful settlement. The extremists hold sway on both sides and everyone else in the middle is caught up in this, paying with lives, and physical and untold mental issues.
There is no end to this without a political solution and compromise, and there isn't any prospect of that whatsoever.
If only they would take that first step but realistically is that going to happen. Tòo many vested interests politically at home on both sides and commercially in terms of arms. The voices of reason (e.g Fatah) are ignored.as extremists hold power, playing on the fear and prejudices of people they are supposed to represent.There is always the prospect of a political settlement. All it takes is for the money to dry up. Meaning US support for Israel to be restrained and Iranian support for Hamas/ Hezbollah to be restrained. Basically, the US and Iran need to patch up some old differences and start acting responsibly.
The tragedy is that neither will take the first step. It probably needs some Arab country, maybe Qatar, to start the ball rolling.