Middle East Conflict

I've not been keeping up to date with the Israeli hostages.
How many have been released and how many are confirmed dead?
How many are believed to be still still in captivity?
What was the final Israeli death toll that fateful day?

These cowardly islamic terrorists have not one excuse for their actions. Kidnapping babies and old people. Innocent citizens going about their daily lives. That isn't resistance/freedom fighting. It is pure and simple terrorism.
Then retreating and using their own innocent citizens as human shields. Well when i say innocent, i should say mostly innocent. How many Palestinians knew who Hamas was, and where the kidnapped people where being held?
Many chose to support Hamas, simple as.

Any Palestinian deaths are directly a result of the actions of Hamas. I don't care what the Corbinites say on here.
Without the action of Hamas, we wouldn't be looking at so many deaths. The same with the other Islamic terrorists Hisbollacks. Again Iran is also directly responsible. Iran doesn't have the balls to go at Israel directly so uses these proxes to fight its battles.

Just be certain of one thing. The "collective west" continuously gets the blame for all the middle eastern troubles.
Well i can tell you now, it doesn't make any difference. These savage Islamic terrorists would just find someone else to blame and fight them instead. It's in their nature and nothing is going to change any time soon.

If you're concerned about the 100 or so Israeli hostages (and not the thousands of palestinian hostages held by israel), then your best bet is to keep your fingers crossed and hope israel doesn't bomb them like it has done with a lot of the others.

As for their wellbeing - they are likely to be well kept by the Palestinians, just as the previous hostages held by them were (unlike the Palestinian hostages who are brutally tortured and raped by the Israelis). Just got to hope they are getting enough food water and aid (if necessary) because israel has cut most of this off to the 2 million or so people in palestine
If you're concerned about the 100 or so Israeli hostages (and not the thousands of palestinian hostages held by israel), then your best bet is to keep your fingers crossed and hope israel doesn't bomb them like it has done with a lot of the others.

As for their wellbeing - they are likely to be well kept by the Palestinians, just as the previous hostages held by them were (unlike the Palestinian hostages who are brutally tortured and raped by the Israelis). Just got to hope they are getting enough food water and aid (if necessary) because israel has cut most of this off to the 2 million or so people in palestine
Well kept - if you mean operated on without anaesthesia or malnourished / emaciated or denied daylight, raped and tortured then yes they are being well kept. Aid is going in to the area, more than is required but guess where it ends up. When you watch scenes from the hospitals of all the men filming and screaming, they don’t look under fed do they. I wonder why?
Well kept - if you mean operated on without anaesthesia or malnourished / emaciated or denied daylight, raped and tortured then yes they are being well kept. Aid is going in to the area, more than is required but guess where it ends up. When you watch scenes from the hospitals of all the men filming and screaming, they don’t look under fed do they. I wonder why?

I must blocked! My questions weren't answered before. Oh well!

If the hostages are "operated on without anaesthesia", it's because the Israeli gov have cut off supplies. You know, the same supplies that Gazan doctors needed to operate on victims of the bombing terrany of the IDF. So, if they affect the hospitals, they affect the hostages. Same story for food with the cutting off of supplies.

As for "denied daylight", I'm sure the bombs create plenty of light... Or the IDF would have been on the ground finding them in tunnels as per your implication. But they're not, are they?

And are you talking about the anal rape of Palestinian prisoners?? Oh yeah, what rape??

You're so twisted it's sickening.
Well kept - if you mean operated on without anaesthesia or malnourished / emaciated or denied daylight, raped and tortured then yes they are being well kept. Aid is going in to the area, more than is required but guess where it ends up. When you watch scenes from the hospitals of all the men filming and screaming, they don’t look under fed do they. I wonder why?
It's a tried and tested formula. Treat people as second class citizens in an effectively apartheid state; herd them into ghettos with limited food, water and medicine; finally exterminate them.
If only Israel could wipe out all the terrorist groups it would be a fine thing, Hamas need the worst things possible to happen to them for October 7th 2023. Unfortunately too many innocent lives are being lost with the indiscriminate bombings in Gaza, such a terrible situation in the middle east

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