Milner [Merged]

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irreverent ad said:
cityman14364 said:
can we get a few things straight he regarding the claims it wont be a straight cash deal....firstly mysteryman.. why do you say this? and dont start with this not enough time to find a replacement crap.youve known before milner flew to the world cup he wanted to go.. so what have u been doing all this time? let me enlighten you.. youve sat on your arse not even looking for a replacement bcoz u want to screw every penny out of us you can bcoz noone else is going to pay anyhere near what you want, secondly you saying its not for cash isnt viable,your credibility went out of the window with ``hes on the motorway`` crap.. so rather than heresay why not try giving your own opinion.. heres my take on it, hes over priced, the yanks in financial difficulty and wants the cash and make no mistake mysteryman money does talk especially after a world wide recession and hes pumped so much in already.. i feel for milner in all this, we sposed to want him and we`re sat on our hands too.. villa sposed to want him yet agree a price with us..and you made it public as walk away, hes over priced and i dont want to be taken to the cleaners again,happened to many times.theres better out there for the money

MYSTERYMAN is a guy who has a lot of credibility. He is the most reliable ITK. He is like your 'Tolmie'. Everyone gets bad info once in a while.

Also a lot of City fans think our owner or club is in financial crisis. This is just not true. Lerner has always wanted the club to be self sufficient within 5-7 years. The problem is wages have spiralled to over 80% of Turnover. He does not see this as sustainable. It is not a problem as he is a wealthy man but from a business point, where Villa can stand on their own 2 feet, he would like to bring that down to 65-70% (to a figure similar to Spurs).

Selling Milner will not make too much of a difference as he is a first team player with wages of £35-40k. The ones he wants rid of are Sidwell (£50k), Heskey (£62k), Beye (£40k) etc.

I dare say we probably have £25-30m to spend, but why would we want the wage bill to get to 100% of T/O?
It's a difficult decision regarding whether to spend more monies to go up 1 or 2 places to get Champions League football, or to rein in the spending. I think City have changed the ball game for clubs like Villa and Everton, but we can't go worrying about that.
cityman14364 said:
Selling Milner will not make too much of a difference as he is a first team player with wages of £35-40k. The ones he wants rid of are Sidwell (£50k), Heskey (£62k), Beye (£40k) etc

wasnt milner going to be offered a new contract at 75k a week? hardly going to bring the bill down is it?

Read one post above yours.
cityman14364 said:
irreverent ad said:
Was it not Milner himself who put the deadline on it, because he was tired of City taking so long to negotiate with Ireland?

So nothing to do with City tax.

you want 30 million quid for someone whos barely worth half that? that my friend is a city tax

I agree, he is not worth 30 million but who is really? To us, he is an intergral piece of our team and is of big value to the overall team, we can put whatever price we want on our player, Villa never put him on the market. 30 million is the price we wanted, because maybe we just don't want to lose one of our best players?

When such an important player starts talking about the possibility of leaving then we want to get enough money so you can replace him properly and possibly even strengthen the squad. Surely you can understand that? As not every club has Sheik with an endless pot of money.

Theres not long left in the transfer market, so a player of Irelands quality as part of the deal is key it would seem.
Marvin said:
irreverent ad said:
MYSTERYMAN is a guy who has a lot of credibility. He is the most reliable ITK. He is like your 'Tolmie'. Everyone gets bad info once in a while.

Also a lot of City fans think our owner or club is in financial crisis. This is just not true. Lerner has always wanted the club to be self sufficient within 5-7 years. The problem is wages have spiralled to over 80% of Turnover. He does not see this as sustainable. It is not a problem as he is a wealthy man but from a business point, where Villa can stand on their own 2 feet, he would like to bring that down to 65-70% (to a figure similar to Spurs).

Selling Milner will not make too much of a difference as he is a first team player with wages of £35-40k. The ones he wants rid of are Sidwell (£50k), Heskey (£62k), Beye (£40k) etc.

I dare say we probably have £25-30m to spend, but why would we want the wage bill to get to 100% of T/O?
It's a difficult decision regarding whether to spend more monies to go up 1 or 2 places to get Champions League football, or to rein in the spending. I think City have changed the ball game for clubs like Villa and Everton, but we can't go worrying about that.

Agreed. City are lucky to seemto have a bottomless pit. Villa will have to look at other ways to compete and I think the Arsenal style is probably the way they will go. Villa have an excellent Academy and if we can then add quality players to that we will be able to compete over a sustained period.
cityman14364 said:
Benarbia said:
Dead deal from what I hear which is a shame because I think we really need him

i hope your hearing right.. that sends out a message, you want to put a city tax on a mediocre player? and thats all he is at the end of the day... go looksomewhere else.. but we know and they know,they wont get anywhere near what we offered in the future
He's not mediocre. he has his own strengths which match our weaknesses hence City's interest.
If he's mediocre why do you want him? I saw quite a few pages back on here over the weekend, some people on here saying he could be like Lampard.
awaydayjinx87 said:
V MYSTERYMAN you reckon any movement today and i would jus like to say thanks for updates on your side and i believe with the money you may or may not get from us you will still challenge for 4th i jus wonder do you think you would score enough goals or do you require a robbie keane type of player

Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .
AnthonyRoy said:
cityman14364 said:
you want 30 million quid for someone whos barely worth half that? that my friend is a city tax

I agree, he is not worth 30 million but who is really? To us, he is an intergral piece of our team and is of big value to the overall team, we can put whatever price we want on our player, Villa never put him on the market. 30 million is the price we wanted, because maybe we just don't want to lose one of our best players?

When such an important player starts talking about the possibility of leaving then we want to get enough money so you can replace him properly and possibly even strengthen the squad. Surely you can understand that? As not every club has Sheik with an endless pot of money.

Theres not long left in the transfer market, so a player of Irelands quality as part of the deal is key it would seem.

thats the point i was making, there isnt plenty of time left now, but there was when it became clear BEFROE the world cup as MON stated, he made it clear he wont sign a new contract and indicated he wanted to leave, so why not start looking then? as i suspect and have read on villatalk, your operating a sell to buy policy ,and as its us that wants milner city tax comes into effect. i agree i wouldnt buy anyone for 30 mill... but its laughable really to suggest milners worth only 4 mill less than what david villa was sold for? is it not? i have fingers toes and bollxed crossed we walk away from this now
awaydayjinx87 said:
V MYSTERYMAN you reckon any movement today and i would jus like to say thanks for updates on your side and i believe with the money you may or may not get from us you will still challenge for 4th i jus wonder do you think you would score enough goals or do you require a robbie keane type of player

Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .
very good post that mate!!
cityman14364 said:
AnthonyRoy said:
I agree, he is not worth 30 million but who is really? To us, he is an intergral piece of our team and is of big value to the overall team, we can put whatever price we want on our player, Villa never put him on the market. 30 million is the price we wanted, because maybe we just don't want to lose one of our best players?

When such an important player starts talking about the possibility of leaving then we want to get enough money so you can replace him properly and possibly even strengthen the squad. Surely you can understand that? As not every club has Sheik with an endless pot of money.

Theres not long left in the transfer market, so a player of Irelands quality as part of the deal is key it would seem.

thats the point i was making, there isnt plenty of time left now, but there was when it became clear BEFROE the world cup as MON stated, he made it clear he wont sign a new contract and indicated he wanted to leave, so why not start looking then? as i suspect and have read on villatalk, your operating a sell to buy policy ,and as its us that wants milner city tax comes into effect. i agree i wouldnt buy anyone for 30 mill... but its laughable really to suggest milners worth only 4 mill less than what david villa was sold for? is it not? i have fingers toes and bollxed crossed we walk away from this now

Maybe Ireland was the replacement....
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