Milner [Merged]

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cityman14364 said:
AnthonyRoy said:
I agree, he is not worth 30 million but who is really? To us, he is an intergral piece of our team and is of big value to the overall team, we can put whatever price we want on our player, Villa never put him on the market. 30 million is the price we wanted, because maybe we just don't want to lose one of our best players?

When such an important player starts talking about the possibility of leaving then we want to get enough money so you can replace him properly and possibly even strengthen the squad. Surely you can understand that? As not every club has Sheik with an endless pot of money.

Theres not long left in the transfer market, so a player of Irelands quality as part of the deal is key it would seem.

thats the point i was making, there isnt plenty of time left now, but there was when it became clear BEFROE the world cup as MON stated, he made it clear he wont sign a new contract and indicated he wanted to leave, so why not start looking then? as i suspect and have read on villatalk, your operating a sell to buy policy ,and as its us that wants milner city tax comes into effect. i agree i wouldnt buy anyone for 30 mill... but its laughable really to suggest milners worth only 4 mill less than what david villa was sold for? is it not? i have fingers toes and bollxed crossed we walk away from this now

Apparantly our interest in Ireland has been since the start of the summer. I don't work behind the scenes at Villa, but I'm sure they've looked at other midfielders too. Flamini is one that has been mentioned. Who have City got lined up if they dont get Milner right now?

4 million less that David Villa (Valencia are financially f***ed and its seemed there was only one club he had his heart set on), but god knows how much less than Ibrahimovich. Wasn't that like £39m plus Samuel Eto who must have been rated between £20-£30m.
Thanks to Mysetryman for the updates. Hopefully, the stick you have copped on this site won't put you off posting and visiting in the future.

I cannot blame Milner for becoming a tad agitated. If we don't progress with the deal he is stuck with a club who he has apparently told he no longer wants to play for them.

I am not one for criticising God's own club, but I do hope they sort this out quickly. IMO we should simply pay Iteland his bonus (assuming the rumour is correct), after all, we are forcing him out and we have gone so far with the transfer of Milner, we owe it to him to progress with the deal.

Fingers crossed the deal is announced today.
Manc in London said:
Thanks to Mysetryman for the updates. Hopefully, the stick you have copped on this site won't put you off posting and visiting in the future.

I cannot blame Milner for becoming a tad agitated. If we don't progress with the deal he is stuck with a club who he has apparently told he no longer wants to play for them.

I am not one for criticising God's own club, but I do hope they sort this out quickly. IMO we should simply pay Iteland his bonus (assuming the rumour is correct), after all, we are forcing him out and we have gone so far with the transfer of Milner, we owe it to him to progress with the deal.

Fingers crossed the deal is announced today.

Cheers I had worse off VT in the early years when they thought I was some sort of an attention seeking young kid . I just love the Villa and know what it's like when you want to hear information and I was fortunate enough to be able to put some light onto certain things . I am not privvy to everything but lets just say I wasn't surprised O'Neil left either just the timing of it . No hard feelings with City seen it all before going back to 1974 with Bruce Rioch leaving Villa so I think life will go on with or without James Milner .
awaydayjinx87 said:
V MYSTERYMAN you reckon any movement today and i would jus like to say thanks for updates on your side and i believe with the money you may or may not get from us you will still challenge for 4th i jus wonder do you think you would score enough goals or do you require a robbie keane type of player

Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .

cant fault that post mate i think in fairness to every mcfc supporter we were and i think still are miffed at the treatment off dunney absoloute legend. we all know stevie ireland has the ability but i do agree with mancini he may need a change but no man shud be treated like a dog.

i think 7th will be a decent season for you guys i think and you will agree squad depth has been your biggest downfall and mon never rectified the issue i actually like the way villa play and was there last season at the 1-1 game which i thought was a good even game

i hope randy lerner gives this manager you got time and some off the milner cash if you get any to spend on a cf and i think a full back but you have got a good 13 or 14 players and i hope you repeat your sucess off last but not at the expence off us haha

plz continue to post info has to most off us it is really grateful but i think we been used to bein shit on we all have a guard that we wanna protect our club cheers mysteryman
Will be interesting to see what Mancini has to say if asked about the Milner deal at the Balotelli press conference which will be on SSN at 1pm
awaydayjinx87 said:
V MYSTERYMAN you reckon any movement today and i would jus like to say thanks for updates on your side and i believe with the money you may or may not get from us you will still challenge for 4th i jus wonder do you think you would score enough goals or do you require a robbie keane type of player

Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .
Dunne was sold because the manager decided rightly or wrongly that he wanted better players in that position. That's the flip side of being loaded, there will be "casualties" otherwise there's no point in having wealthy owners. And I guess that's where the image you have of Garry Cook comes from.
awaydayjinx87 said:
Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .

cant fault that post mate i think in fairness to every mcfc supporter we were and i think still are miffed at the treatment off dunney absoloute legend. we all know stevie ireland has the ability but i do agree with mancini he may need a change but no man shud be treated like a dog.

i think 7th will be a decent season for you guys i think and you will agree squad depth has been your biggest downfall and mon never rectified the issue i actually like the way villa play and was there last season at the 1-1 game which i thought was a good even game

i hope randy lerner gives this manager you got time and some off the milner cash if you get any to spend on a cf and i think a full back but you have got a good 13 or 14 players and i hope you repeat your sucess off last but not at the expence off us haha

plz continue to post info has to most off us it is really grateful but i think we been used to bein shit on we all have a guard that we wanna protect our club cheers mysteryman

When Dunne signed for us his Mrs did some of the negotiations very funny woman and with all the pressure of getting the deal done at 5 minutes to 6 on deadline day she goes to the loo forgets to lock it and Ian Storey Moore walks in with her saying ' you got a right eyefull there in her northern accent ' . I was told Dunne was a like a breath of resh air and very down to earth guy and his family .
Dunne was mortified to leave loved the fans but at the end of last season his Mrs sent a letter to Vills thanking them for how her and her family have been treated . Doug did some very odd things at Villa but Lerner is a class act yes he aint got the Sheik's money and we won't compete with you but a class act . Dunne will be telling Ireland that there is life after City but he will also say don't leave until Cook has paid you up , read into that what you want .

As for Villa I love watching the kids coming through as much if not more than the big new signings , Stan Collymore biggest let down in the history of Villa .<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:27 am --<br /><br />
Marvin said:
Thank you for the post can understand some of the abuse I get suppose its same for a City poster on VT but I try to keep the emotion out of it and deal with what I know .

The only thing I have got wrong is the motorway episode which I took off another poster hands up it wasn't right . You would be surprised at his contact on that but will not disclose it but let's say it's definately somebody with links at both clubs .

First of all Milner wants to go to City I don't believe he has suddenly changed his mind ! I think he is frustrated and wants to know if City value him that much why can't they sort it out , its not Villa holding the deal up . I would still think the deal will go through but don't shoot the messenger for it to happen this window it will have to include Ireland .

I don't think Villa will challenge for 4th I don't think we have ever been good enough for 4th anyway and if we got into the Champions League we simply are not ready for it .

I think we will finish 7th this season but the football will be more enjoyable it was all so predictable under the myth that is O'Neil . He did ok but with the money he had any half decent manager would have got us to where we were , nothing special the bigger problem for us would be if Lerner left ! .
I am not anti City I have a very good mate who is one of yours who I have had to sit with for the last 25 years with him hoping and praying for something like this to happen so for him I am pleased . I remember thinking of him when you were playing Gillingham and was 2 down and was pleased you won . Just because you lot are loaded I don't suddenly despise you although I think some of the things going on make you look classless i.e treament of Dunne and this Cook fella who is a bit like Chemical Ali .

You biggest problem is the ' new flavour ' of the month factor and it's got to everyone you discard people / players as if they don't matter anymore . Ireland 1 year into a 5 year contract , Robinho , Bellamy . You won't get the stability and it's actually worse than Chelsea was for it but then they had Lampard and Terry that were there that hewlped the transition . Good luck anyway most of us are just jealous and wish it was with the lolly .
Dunne was sold because the manager decided rightly or wrongly that he wanted better players in that position. That's the flip side of being loaded, there will be "casualties" otherwise there's no point in having wealthy owners. And I guess that's where the image you have of Garry Cook comes from.

Yes I accept that and your right sometimes though there are ways of doing it right . Not paying people off after 10 years of service and sweating blood for the City cause should be rightly remembered . When we won the European Cup I thought of the players who were playing in the third division ten years earlier and were rightly remembered. Players like Dunne are part of your folk lore to a degree .
i put the whole dunne saga down to one thing really, and that thing is mark hughes
like most of his business, it was a pile of fucking shite
i put the whole dunne saga down to one thing really, and that thing is mark hughes
like most of his business, it was a pile of fucking shite

It is easy with hindsight to say his dealings were shit, however if memory serves me right most posters on here were over the moon with his signings, all of them were better than what we had and all proven prem players in fact a lot of people last season were talking about winning theprem league and almost guaranteed champions league. In the cold light of day some of the singnings haven't worked but most have, Given, Kompany, NDJ, Barry, SWP, Ade, Tevez, Bellars one could argue maybe that SWP has maintained his pre chelsea form and no one could have predicted the Ade thing with Togo. The areas where we have been let down have been in the defence, right back and left back and the ability of MH to stop the leak of goals. Tactically he got it wrong. IMO Mancini has inherited a good team that needed strengthening that is all, and it seems he has done that, but to take us up to the new level he has demanded we play in a certain way and that involves the midfield players not only being able to defend but also attack and be creative, that is where the problems lay and that is why he wants Milner. As for Bellamy he was in my opinion principal reason for Robinho leaving, and he has been removed to enable Robinho to return.
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