
leighton said:
Jack of no trades master of none. Never going to be a top class player for the big teams. Theres a reason why no one else was interested in him and Villa fucked us for money yet again. People know my views on Barry but Villa took close to £40 million plus for both players fucking shocking.

edited for accuracy
Yep he couldn't pass wind or trap a bag of cement makes micah richards look like Messi
Yep he couldn't pass wind or trap a bag of cement makes micah richards look like Messi
He's bin here 4 months, why not give him a chance to settle in, get use to playing with his team mates. It's not his fault city paid over the odds for him but he is a good player and his quality will eventaully shine.

The OP is shameful, sound like a fickle arrogant prick
waspish said:
There's only Barry for me who Is English who is quality on the ball the rest of our English players are ok at best lets buy more foreigners
Like Balotelli ? An absolute disgrace, lazy mard arse, its all about him isnt it,if i was running my arse off only to see him strolling about like he hasnt got a care i`d be having a word.Mancini`s got to dump this tosser quick.
Imo balotelli is the Biggest wanker on the pitch, cant wait to get rid of this uninterested lazy bastard!

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