Modern Women and Laziness

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I'm a lady thanking you!

Could you be more specific on which points were 'piffle' -please note I did not say all women, as a blue you may be one of the ok ones.

Not you BB2 it was what 'Mainedawg' said..."I think men have taken over the womans role in terms of domestic and women are lazty using the whole 21st century excuse about hw men should chip in!!

i say f~&k that!!

my wife takes over domestic. im the main bread winner. she works part time but she knows what her role is. kids n house. unfort some men get taken advantage of."

The Main breadwinner?! Ermmm HELLOOOOO its the year 2009 soon to be 2010.. She works part time whilst also looking after children, cleaning ,cooking and looking after your 'fat should have been born in the 50's arse' All your wife does in a week probably amounts to more work than you do in a whole month. Think about that Mr Breadwinner next time you sit down for your tea that your wife cooks for you! Amen.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Could you be more specific on which points were 'piffle' -please note I did not say all women, as a blue you may be one of the ok ones.

Not you BB2 it was what 'Mainedawg' said..."I think men have taken over the womans role in terms of domestic and women are lazty using the whole 21st century excuse about hw men should chip in!!

i say f~&k that!!

my wife takes over domestic. im the main bread winner. she works part time but she knows what her role is. kids n house. unfort some men get taken advantage of."

The Main breadwinner?! Ermmm HELLOOOOO its the year 2009 soon to be 2010.. She works part time whilst also looking after children, cleaning ,cooking and looking after your 'fat should have been born in the 50's arse' All your wife does in a week probably amounts to more work than you do in a whole month. Think about that Mr Breadwinner next time you sit down for your tea that your wife cooks for you! Amen.

But if he works all day, then I think it's only fair that the women should do the bulk of the house work/cooking. My issue is if she isn't questions must be asked.
"waiting for one that ticks all the boxes" = if she gets too close you can always find a new box that she doesn't tick OR just plain unrealistic = probably a way of preserving latent gayness. try some gay porn and see if it does anything for you.

i'm with you on the fat lazy beeches tho. wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. frankly, I always prefer the needy neurotics to the complacent, uninterested slobs.
bizzbo said:
"waiting for one that ticks all the boxes" = if she gets too close you can always find a new box that she doesn't tick OR just plain unrealistic = probably a way of preserving latent gayness. try some gay porn and see if it does anything for you.

i'm with you on the fat lazy beeches tho. wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. frankly, I always prefer the needy neurotics to the complacent, uninterested slobs.

Wow, thats a bit harsh. Why should I settle for someone who is not worthy? Seen to many friends go down that road and crash and burn. Not on your nelly. Was there, really any need for the 'gayness' comment? How old are you, 12?
It's all about equality.

They are just doing what us males have been doing for Eons.
mat said:
It's all about equality.

They are just doing what us males have been doing for Eons.

That may very well be true. I wonder what had brought about this social change?

Women, with beer guts necking booze like their lives depend on it.

Women fighting in the street and belching.

Men who have more cosmetics than women and do all the housework....

wonder if it's all the chemicals in food/water....
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
bizzbo said:
"waiting for one that ticks all the boxes" = if she gets too close you can always find a new box that she doesn't tick OR just plain unrealistic = probably a way of preserving latent gayness. try some gay porn and see if it does anything for you.

i'm with you on the fat lazy beeches tho. wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. frankly, I always prefer the needy neurotics to the complacent, uninterested slobs.

Wow, thats a bit harsh. Why should I settle for someone who is not worthy? Seen to many friends go down that road and crash and burn. Not on your nelly. Was there, really any need for the 'gayness' comment? How old are you, 12?

it's just intended as a light hearted bit of banter. quite a few of your posts do come across as rather sweepingly judgemental, so my natural reaction is to have a bit of fun and turn the spotlight back 'pon you... you seem like you have a sense of humour about yourself, and seem to remind us an awful lot about your success with wimmin. hope i didn't cross any serious lines. seriously tho, you talk about girls like they are a different species altogether.

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