Modern Women and Laziness

bizzbo said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Wow, thats a bit harsh. Why should I settle for someone who is not worthy? Seen to many friends go down that road and crash and burn. Not on your nelly. Was there, really any need for the 'gayness' comment? How old are you, 12?

it's just intended as a light hearted bit of banter. quite a few of your posts do come across as rather sweepingly judgemental, so my natural reaction is to have a bit of fun and turn the spotlight back 'pon you... you seem like you have a sense of humour about yourself, and seem to remind us an awful lot about your success with wimmin. hope i didn't cross any serious lines. seriously tho, you talk about girls like they are a different species altogether.

I don't think I do talk about success with women, what I was trying to get across is that I am attracted to women physically but as people I find most shallow, lazy and un interested in world events. I believe that women as in many ways a different species, what was that book. Men are from Venus Women are from Mars'.
I don't think I do talk about success with women, what I was trying to get across is that I am attracted to women physically but as people I find most shallow, lazy and un interested in world events. I believe that women as in many ways a different species, what was that book. Men are from Venus Women are from Mars'.

I do remember feeling the same way for a bit when I was younger.... perhaps i've been lucky in the ones I've met, but most of them are highly admirable and resourceful, far more responsible and caring than the males I know.. but these days I'm mostly in awe of the female's deep interest in every friend, how deeply involved they are in the lives of people around life is entirely trivial, I read and want to learn about everything, but if i disappeared tomorrow, no-one would give a shit.... I guess they are really living whilst I'm holding it at all at arms length.

I could turn it around and say they are more only interested in gossip and what other people think of them, but I think the truth is they have the courage to constantly form relationships. in their world, feelings are the very stuff of reality, where as we tend to view feelings as a being a distraction... there is nothing more deeply confusing and complicated than the business of managing relationships (I don't just mean boy girl stuff), and women are totally involved in them in a real, day-to-day way, so I can't share the view that they are a shallow breed.
Must show my husband (and lazy B-I-L who lives with us) this thread!

I work (probably about 30 hours a week in total), and I run the hosue - i.e. cook, shop, clean, laundry, bins, accounts, etc. I can just about cope with that in general.

But I also do all the painting/decorating, DIY and car maintenace!

He happens to be the spendaholic of the family.

Hmmm, looks like we're doing things wrong judging by this thread.... ;)
BlueSpice said:
Must show my husband (and lazy B-I-L who lives with us) this thread!

I work (probably about 30 hours a week in total), and I run the hosue - i.e. cook, shop, clean, laundry, bins, accounts, etc. I can just about cope with that in general.

But I also do all the painting/decorating, DIY and car maintenace!

He happens to be the spendaholic of the family.

Hmmm, looks like we're doing things wrong judging by this thread.... ;)

There are obviously exceptions to this rule, some men are also dead legs.
i work between 50 - 65 hour weeks i have no time to clean the house but whenever i can i cook tea (men are better cooks anyway ha ha) but my missus washes my clothes makes my lunches and on top of that she keeps the house clean and feeds and waters my 3 children, she a fucking hero to me so no mate its defo not all women.
My wifes that lazy that sometimes I have to get my own Beer from the fridge...

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