More racism in Liverpool?

every club has a racist element, the amount of times I heard racist language on the train to the carling cup game against united about Anderson.
mike winterwasp said:
Given its istree as a major port with all the consequential interaction with people from all over the world Liverpool is the most racist city I've ever had the misfortune to visit/talk to scousers. The sort of racist language that died out 20 years ago in Manchester and London remains mainstream in parts of Liverpool. I wonder what their black players make of it?

Try going to London, Burnley or Stoke.
rickmcfc said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Let's get this into perspective. It was only a couple of years ago that 2 City fans were arrested and charged with using racist language. Every club in the country has supporters the majority are ashamed of.

Lets get this into perspective. City didnt publically come out backing the actions of racist scumbags. Those classless pricks from down the road have done exactly that!!!

The video posted of the young lad in tears is a disgrace. They have to come down on this hard, and fast.

^^^ This^^^ The Dippers see a Black guy visibly upset and I'm sure that they could work out why. What happens, THOUSANDS of them - not a couple - start chanting the name of Luis Suarez. Absolute disgrace, scum of the earth
In all my years of watching City, Liverpool have not had a reputation for racism. It is only fairly recently with the emergence of additional teams, including ourselves and the rag's dominance of the league that their fans have become hysterical.

Liverpool fans (hooliganism aside) have generally been fair minded. In fact I can remember a bottle being launched at Joe Corrigan and the the Kop chanting "get the bastard out, get the bastard out" and a number of their fans forcibly handing the culprit over to the police.

I am hugely surprised this has happened and in spite of my better instincts, I can well believe the people involved are not really Liverpool fans. In fact given the rags' propensity for bitterness (anyone remember their knobs going on Napoli forums to stir up trouble?) it's not beyond the realms of possibility they wouldn't pull a stunt like that.

However, there needs to be a full investigation to establish what happened and who did it. Then the full weight of the FA and the Police must fall on the the club and the perpetrators for this absolutely set of horrible and despicable events.

Heart goes out to the Oldham who should never have to experience this kind of disgusting bullshit.

Singing the Suarez song during the incident adds an extra touch of class, doesn't it? Jesus Christ.
strongbowholic said:
In all my years of watching City, Liverpool have not had a reputation for racism. It is only fairly recently with the emergence of additional teams, including ourselves and the rag's dominance of the league that their fans have become hysterical.

Liverpool fans (hooliganism aside) have generally been fair minded. In fact I can remember a bottle being launched at Joe Corrigan and the the Kop chanting "get the bastard out, get the bastard out" and a number of their fans forcibly handing the culprit over to the police.

I am hugely surprised this has happened and in spite of my better instincts, I can well believe the people involved are not really Liverpool fans. In fact given the rags' propensity for bitterness (anyone remember their knobs going on Napoli forums to stir up trouble?) it's not beyond the realms of possibility they wouldn't pull a stunt like that.

However, there needs to be a full investigation to establish what happened and who did it. Then the full weight of the FA and the Police must fall on the the club and the perpetrators for this absolutely set of horrible and despicable events.

Heart goes out to the Oldham who should never have to experience this kind of disgusting bullshit.

So lets get this straight a United fan or fans would infiltrate a Liverpool game risk arrest and criminal charge and being banned from every ground for a number of years just to show up Liverpool? I think you are taking paranoia to a new level there, the mind really does boggle at level of paranoia displayed by some posters on here
Rawk Gems. seriously lads, your lower than a fucking snakes belly and i hope the FA butt fuck your club into next year.

Don't get me wrong if something was said racially to him that person/s need to be banned for life, but 'brought to tears' fucking hell lad. Its only words. Your in the wrong profession if stuff like that is gonna bother you.

Hang we go again....he called him a Manc, NOTHING to do with race/colour FFS

Just seems weird to me that a player can burst into tears because of heckling from the terraces or am I just being too cynical? Has he really never had anyone yelling at him before?

Racism has no place in sport or life generally and if anyone made racists comments they should be dealt with by the club and Police, but apparently an official complaint claiming that has not been made.

I hope the Suarez affair does not lead to other clubs, players and fans using the racist card as an opportunity against us.

Oh please please please leave this whole issue alone.

the factis if the player had given the crowd a one finger salute he would have been subject to a one game suspension. As he burst into tears 'Liverpool' is being branded as abusive. We simply need to ride above this stuff and it will go away.

That's the daft thing - if he's from Norwich, he wouldn't understand Scouse anyway. 'Fucking Manc Bastard' shouted amongst all the racket could easily sound like 'Fucking Black Bastard' if you're from out in the sticks.

seriously, i can't be their on wednesday but i hope you lads give it to them full pelt. they are truely disgusting
I think the issue here has more to do with the hundreds of fans singing the Suarez song whilst this was going on.
Ok a few mindless idiots started it and they will most certainly be dealt with but the chanting after and during the incident compounded the problems within the club and indeed the city.

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