Most hated rag

bluetoo said:


P-M-S-L, Yeah thats right, feed the goat you chuckling faggot
Can one of you seat-counter people keep a running total of who's winning?

Without counting I can safely say Gary Neville is winning with Crerand and Keane probably contesting second place.
Talk shite were tipping Neville to become one of the top bods in the FA when he retires from football at the end of the season?????

I went to the last Rod Steward concert at the swamp many years ago, what struck me was how crap and bobbly the pitch was when you got off the aluminium decking.

Keane gets my vote, I can remember him saying "its six points for us" when City came back into the old Div1. Since then the twat has gone down and down. I love it when he is humiliated as a manager, not so cocky these days.
He likes to portray himself as the thinking rags rag and he does an excellent job of this. Everything you could hate about them packaged into one person. You could never get tired of punching him in the face!
I'm surprised the title: 'Most Hated Rag' is even under debate. Surely everybody knows it's that rat-faced little fucker with the teenage 'tash? This mouthy, self-appointed shop steward is Waylon Smithers to Baconface's Mr Burns. A drooling sycophant, a fucking sorry excuse for a man.

There can only be one winner of this dubious honour: ladies and gentlemen, I give you Gary Neville.
tevezskeen said:
I hate all of them but if you could only pick 1 who would it be?
I'll pick G.Neville

On the whole I don't really give a shit about United players! I like Rooney, he's an England man and it winds up Rag fans that he is more passionate about England than he is United (because of course Rag fans are too special to support England - backwards cunts!), I also like van der Saar I've met him twice n he was a really nice bloke! And of course at any time any of their players could be wearing the blue of our shirt (like Tevez plus many others) and then our "hatred" and songs about them makes us look like total hypocrytes!

Of course Gary fuckin Neville and Roy pikey Keane are hated Rag figures, as is Alex alcoholic Ferguson - but apart from the odd one every 5 years I don't hate United because of their players! it is mainly a hatred towards them because of their fans!

i have a mixed family of red and blue (although a blue household) and I am not close to the Rags in the family! I also have very few Rag mates! I absolutely hate most Rags! they're too biased, you can't talk to them about footy cos they think everything and everyone is shit, they are arrogant (in life aswell!), they are hypocrytes and just in general a bunch of horrible tossers!! oh and they have a considerable population of non-Mancunians supporting them which is just sad as fuck!!
Such a difficult choice, so many twats to pick from, but if you take into account length of service of being a total twat then someone like Pat Crerand, Bobby Charlton or Lou Macari would score highly, for me though it has to be that nasty little piece of shit...

Mickey Thomas

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