most influential c---s

In my opinion the c word should not be used so often on here. It's a truly horrible word and should be saved for genuine c's, like Putin. You know like people who are mass murderers etc. There are plenty of them.
Top tip for you Bill; never live in Scotland. :-)
i admit i am a **** but i am not influential so i don't count :)

and to prove what a **** i am i'm going to have to pick you up on your grammar...

"that was you" not "that was yourself" is correct.
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For clarity, I didn’t refer to you as a c**t.
That also was yourself.

“Yourself “ was chosen on purpose.
It’s emphasising a colloquialism.

Guess where I’m from.

Edit: just for further clarity. The purpose of me replying to you wasn’t perhaps evident. I actually would like to know what it is I’m debating here, before joining in, as it could be quite interesting.

Calling someone a C**t here in Dublin may mean something different than where you’re from.

Who are we discussing here?
The list of ten important characters in history or the C**t suggesting them?

You don’t come into it, other than it’s your thread and you’re the one to give clarity.

Now that’s me being pedantic, not a C**T.
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For clarity, I didn’t refer to you as a c**t.
i know you didn't.
nor did i you.

as the late great @gordondaviesmoustache used to say many bluemoons ago...
i like you.

That also was yourself.

“Yourself “ was chosen on purpose.
It’s emphasising a colloquialism.

Guess where I’m from.
i see now.
forgive me for not noticing your location.
if i had i wouldn't have picked you up on "yourself".
i know you have your own version of our english,
and fair dinkums to you.

it's just that i'd had an email yesterday from some middle-management english **** ending with,
"...blah blah-de-blah blah, if you have any further concerns please don't hesitate to contact myself."
and frankly i'm weary of these grammatically incorrect americanisms that are flooding our language.
i should've replied telling him "me" was correct not "myself" but couldn't be arsed.
i hope that explains why i took it out on you.

Edit: just for further clarity. The purpose of me replying to you wasn’t perhaps evident. I actually would like to know what it is I’m debating here, before joining in, as it could be quite interesting.
it's not so much of a debate.
bit serious that.
there'd been a few threads titled "most influential cats/cars/etc"
all i was doing was starting a thread with "cunts" in the title.
just for the sake of it, nothing more :)

it seems to be the only swearword in the english language that causes serious offence to some people.
it was actually banned on bluemoon a few years back,
but everyone got round it with cedillas or accents and whatnots,
so it proved pointless.

in my opinion we should use it more often to lessen that problem.

Calling someone a C**t here in Dublin may mean something different than where you’re from.
it's likely that we use the word more liberally here.
it depends entirely on the context in which it is said.
most of my friends are cunts,
that's why i love them and vice versa.

Who are we discussing here?
The list of ten important characters in history or the C**t suggesting them?
i dunno.

what i do know is that you are giving it a capital letter,
thus enforcing its importance.

for over 15 years i've been called a **** on here for not using capital letters,
but that's another story.

You don’t come into it, other than it’s your thread and you’re the one to give clarity.

Now that’s me being pedantic, not a C**T.
if you are seeking clarity i'm afraid i'm not the one to give it.
stop being a pedantic ****.

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