most influential c---s

alas, like all the wigged-community-on-thames,
twas the gout that got him in the end.

sorry to have broken the news to you on an open forum, bbb.
I'm absolutely gutted by this news, he was one of the good guys.
I didn't actually know he had gout.
Judge Rinder will never be the same again.
I'm absolutely gutted by this news, he was one of the good guys.
I didn't actually know he had gout.
Judge Rinder will never be the same again.
it has to be said he was an influential ****
we should put him on the list
RankNameTime frameImageOccupation
1Muhammadc. 570–632Spiritual & Political leader
2Isaac Newton1643–1727Scientist
3Jesus4 BC–33 ADSpiritual leader
4gdmrecentlyhe liked people
5Confucius551–479 BCPhilosopher
6Paul the Apostle5–67 ADChristian apostle
7Cai Lun50–121 ADInventor of paper
8Johannes Gutenbergc. 1400–1468Inventor of the printing press
9Christopher Columbus1451–1506Explorer
10Albert Einstein1879–1955Scientist

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