Most painful minor accident you've had

denislawsbackheel said:
I once drove a garden fork through my big toe.

Ive also done this except it was through the top of my foot!! Fookin murdered.Had to go Tameside Hospital and sit their with the fork still in my foot while sat in A+E and people still asked what had i done !!
Thanx4Knives said:
I stood on a nail when I was a kid. I also fell on a metal fence that had been knocked over and the spike at the top pierced my leg. I didnt realise got up and walked on then my leg felt itchy so I lifted up my trouser leg and could see the tendon's in my leg and fainted! True Story!

that sounds fuckin awful
visiting England. Biting into something, that looked like chocolate. Losing a tooth (the only one so far)
Ripped the bit of skin between my Japs eye and foreskin.
Over ambitious sex act. Pissed with blood and would not heal to well either.
Playing tennis, standing at the net. Wanker hits an overhead right at me, just manage to protect my balls with the racket, unfortunately the tennis ball clips off the bottom of the frame, bounces then hits me square on the plums.

Just about managed not to throw up.

Other than that, was sliding about on a polished wooden floor on my knees (wearing trousers so you slid for miles, i was young, it was fun). Managed to pick the one spot with the head of a nail sticking out to slide over, took a proper chunk out of my knee.

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