most painful thing thats happended to you?

clairepartyring said:
without a dream said:
Yeah we do, a kick in the balls is more painful, been scientifically proven and everything! ;)[/quote]

How painful is it, really?? Or are you all just a bit soft!!

I dont doubt that at all but imagine that pain for hours and hours and hours ...every few minutes. Then you are about there!!
NOTHING on this earth can compare to labour! Even worse is when you go through the whole labour & then they slice you open to get the baby out anyway! Oh the pain of a C-section scar! 10 months on & I still get pain in it!!
dicking about in a shopping trolly...fell out onto some steps, broke 2 ribs and pissed blood....was in hospital for 3 days...wasent even drunk
I had excess stomach acid really bad a few years back - doesn't sound like much I know and certainly nothing compared to most people's posts on here, but the pain of stomach acid overflowing in your stomach and burning into your insides is not something I ever want to experience again to that extent. I think it's partly because there ain't a lot you can do - if the medicine doesn't calm it down they you just have to put up with it. Moving even a little swills everything around again and it hurts even more as the acid comes into contact with a new bit of your insides.

One of my mates was rushed into hospital with a twisted testicle once. He just collapsed in agony on the floor of the pub, tears streaming down his face. We thought he was joking around and made him walk the 2 miles home with us rather than get a taxi. Next morning we rang his house and found out how serious it was and how lucky he was to get it seen to so quickly.
clarkie_ni said:
playing football my ankle completely inverted while i jumped for the ball and my full 13st weight crushed it. tore every ligament there and the impact chipped the bone between the leg and foot. i literally rolled around on the pitch for about 2mins shouting all kind of obsenities!
4months on and i still got swelling and cant run for shit!
the bone has healed but the ligaments are still fucked.

Sprained wrist falling off a chair and severe stomach cramps from uncontrolled laughter. Both injuries happened after reading a comment on bluemoon regarding Darren Fletcher. ;-)

Clarkie_ni = Legend
Dislocating my hip taking a goal kick while on the books at wigan

Also I remember a paper cup to the japs eye is apparently the most painful thing to happen to a man, heard it on the radio (I bet ever lad who read that pulled their face in horror reading it)
The most painful thing I have ever seen
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -25287528/</a>

And the most painful thing ever to happen to Harrow Borough's Rocky Baptiste <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
These threads always cheer me up.

Luckily never had any major injuries, obviously had the old ball into the nuts, but no-one can call himself a complete man if he's not experienced that, had a strange ear infection that resulted in sever pain and popping sounds for a day, and a scar from sliding over the head of a nail, sticking out of some floorboards on my knee, but that's about it.

Most cringeworthy experience was when i had an ingrown toe-nail and the chiropodist guy decided to cut away half my nail with a scalpel without an anaesthetic. There was absolutely no pain involved, but feeling the pressure he was putting on the nail (his hand was shaking with the pressure he was putting on it), millimetres away from my swollen, red, infected, and sore as hell toe, was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life, it sounds minor and really it was, but just the thought of a scalpel makes me shudder now.
If anyone has seen Jason Manford's new dvd, the story he tells at the end will make any man instinctively cup their balls for protection.

Basically this guy dislocates his hip (I think it was his hip anyway) playing footy. He's lay there screaming in agony and the physio rushes on to nobly do his job, grabs the guy, twists and slams it back into place. Little did player or physio know, that when the injury occurred one of his balls fell into his hip socket. Although meaning well, by slamming that hip back into place the physio probably conducted an on the spot vasectomy.

Don't know if that is physically possible, but it's the stuff of nightmares if true.

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