most painful thing thats happended to you?

playing football my ankle completely inverted while i jumped for the ball and my full 13st weight crushed it. tore every ligament there and the impact chipped the bone between the leg and foot. i literally rolled around on the pitch for about 2mins shouting all kind of obsenities!
4months on and i still got swelling and cant run for shit!
the bone has healed but the ligaments are still fucked.
Theres some real toe curling moments there....It hurts to read..

I suppose my most painful moment (apart from seeing City lose to Halifax in the cup in 1980) was breaking both my legs when crossing the road and being run over by two cars. One car hit me and i went over the top of it, and when I landed, a car coming the other way also hit me. I don't remember much about it, apart from a sense that i was flying in slow motion. I also remember feeling my leg and then obviously feeling the bones sticking out of my legs. I had compound fractures of the tib and fib of the left leg, and the femur on the right leg.

I was in hospital for months, it was December 28th 1979 and on my birthday in early February 1980 I received a visit from Tony Book, Ray Ranson and Michael Robinson...just after said defeat at Halifax. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
broke my ankle in Gibraltar running downstairs in my raf accommodation block with more beer during the half time of the england v holland game in the 1990 world cup,i crashed down the stairs as my 6 cans went everywhere,the ambulance came and as i hopped to the ambulance my good ankle gave way and put al my weight on my broken one much to the laughter of all watching...good job i was wankered
Pulling a kettle over myself as a toddler scolded my left arm badly luckly as was so young memory is vague just remember my dad clinging to me as mum raced me to hospital and feeling so sick it was untrue think the adrenaline surge knocked the pain out pretty quickly but it did hurt like nothing I have felt since(broke my ankle twice and dislocated my knee). the scar is still pretty much my whole arm got bullied for it in school even cost me my first serious girlfriend!! So despite it being 30 years ago still causes problems people staring etc. Doesn't bother my wife in the slightest and have used it as a warning to my kids about playing in the kitchen so thats one good thing out of it!!

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