Most visits to Wembley with City on Bluemoon?

six times remember them all vividly for various reasons , am i right in saying we've never lost an fa cup semi ! ! !
I stand corrected , try this though is our 6-1 win over aston villa in 1934 a semi final record score ? (played at huddersfield , I've got a prog !)
blumanchu said:
I stand corrected , try this though is our 6-1 win over aston villa in 1934 a semi final record score ? (played at huddersfield , I've got a prog !)

Yes - the most goals scored by 1 side in a semi is six - in 1934 City equalled the record held by Newcastle who scored 6 against Fulham in 1908 (6-0) - but neither the winning margin (5) or total goals (7) is a record.

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