Mother of disabled Child told to pay for seasoncard

MCFC-alan88 said:
Matty said:
It's somewhat depressing that this thread has now reached 15 pages, with the associated posts that involves, and people are still somehow completely missing the point. This has nothing to do with disability. The rule change is about equality. It is a rule change which now means all under 14 year olds, and their guardians, are treated equally. It just so happens that, in order to treat them all equally, a knock on effect is that carers for disabled children under the age of 14, who used to get a free ticket, now do not. Where the disabled person is over 14 then the situation is assessed on a case by case basis and this rule will not change that. In many of those cases the carer will indeed go for free. The reasoning is clear, and sound, 14 year olds need a guardian, and that guardian needs to pay for their ticket. It doesn't matter what the abilities of the udner 14 year old are, they will ALL need a guardian, and they will ALL be treated identically.

but but but the disabled people are being discriminated against! The highly emotional idiots said so..

Well I am and I`m not !!
MCFC-alan88 said:
Matty said:
It's somewhat depressing that this thread has now reached 15 pages, with the associated posts that involves, and people are still somehow completely missing the point. This has nothing to do with disability. The rule change is about equality. It is a rule change which now means all under 14 year olds, and their guardians, are treated equally. It just so happens that, in order to treat them all equally, a knock on effect is that carers for disabled children under the age of 14, who used to get a free ticket, now do not. Where the disabled person is over 14 then the situation is assessed on a case by case basis and this rule will not change that. In many of those cases the carer will indeed go for free. The reasoning is clear, and sound, 14 year olds need a guardian, and that guardian needs to pay for their ticket. It doesn't matter what the abilities of the udner 14 year old are, they will ALL need a guardian, and they will ALL be treated identically.

but but but the disabled people are being discriminated against! The highly emotional idiots said so..
tut tut calling people idiots is disabilist your in the book 3 match ban
Matty said:
ban-mcfc said:
Rascal said:
Some of the posts on this thread are absolutly fucking awful and you ***** posting the stuff make me fucking ashamed to be a blue.

Im disabled and under the rules would qualify for a free carer to help me if needed. But i wont buy a SC because most games i couldnt attend because im fucking not well. Im not fucking able too so i pick games and pay full price.

But what i dont begrudge is some young kid getting a disabled SC and his mother looking after him. Those of you that find that wrong are in my opinion ***** of the very highest order and are an embarrasement to our support.

I fucking despair i really do.

Its not everyone mate, its just that there will be cases where people are taking advantage.

In most situations its genuine and the carers should go free but theres always the odd few trying to get a freebie that ruin it.
It's somewhat depressing that this thread has now reached 15 pages, with the associated posts that involves, and people are still somehow completely missing the point. This has nothing to do with disability. The rule change is about equality. It is a rule change which now means all under 14 year olds, and their guardians, are treated equally. It just so happens that, in order to treat them all equally, a knock on effect is that carers for disabled children under the age of 14, who used to get a free ticket, now do not. Where the disabled person is over 14 then the situation is assessed on a case by case basis and this rule will not change that. In many of those cases the carer will indeed go for free. The reasoning is clear, and sound, 14 year olds need a guardian, and that guardian needs to pay for their ticket. It doesn't matter what the abilities of the udner 14 year old are, they will ALL need a guardian, and they will ALL be treated identically.

spot on mate. sorry to bump but i forgot about this thread so looked it up again.
I've got a disabled son.. He's 14 now.
We always got told by the DWP that we weren't allowed any benefits for him until he reaches an age where kids without disabilities are able to look after themselves, and didn't need an adult's supervision.
So at 4years old, the child needs supervising by a parent or guardian anyway.
I really don't understand the disabled season card rules. I have just renewed my season card i am on DLA and ESA high care + low mobility i get a free carer but i don't qualify for a disabled priced season card how can that be? But last time i checked at the desk they said i was entitled to it
kippaxchris said:
I really don't understand the disabled season card rules. I have just renewed my season card i am on DLA and ESA high care + low mobility i get a free carer but i don't qualify for a disabled priced season card how can that be? But last time i checked at the desk they said i was entitled to it

It is only given to those on the Top Rate of Mobility.Unfortunately it appears that you don`t qualify.
oakiecokie said:
kippaxchris said:
I really don't understand the disabled season card rules. I have just renewed my season card i am on DLA and ESA high care + low mobility i get a free carer but i don't qualify for a disabled priced season card how can that be? But last time i checked at the desk they said i was entitled to it

It is only given to those on the Top Rate of Mobility.Unfortunately it appears that you don`t qualify.

Yep the disabled liaison officer just explained it to me its just a bit confusing as it says on the website to qualify you need high mobility/living allowance and i'm on high care so i thought i qualified reading that.
It is quite easy to get emotional over such a sensitive subject & rightl so .lets look at it objectivly .The club has a Policy & now the Mother is not allowed a free ticket. I personaly would apeal the descion & make a case why the Mother should be allowed a free ticket .Policies are in place so as others have said people dont take the Micky .each case should be took on Merit .I would also take advice from the supporters club & other disabilty organasitions good luck please update with the outcome
now I don't know the ins and outs of the disabled season ticket but I always found it funny that the disabled person buys a ticket/season ticket but the carer goes free. why don't the disabled person get a free ticket and the carer who goes with him/her buy a ticket as they would go anyway.
bluestevei said:
now I don't know the ins and outs of the disabled season ticket but I always found it funny that the disabled person buys a ticket/season ticket but the carer goes free. why don't the disabled person get a free ticket and the carer who goes with him/her buy a ticket as they would go anyway.

But why would you give someone a free ticket because they are disabled ?

There are rich disabled people, there are poor disabled people, there are disabled millionaires. To give someone a ticket just on the grounds of disability would seem kind of crazy

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