Mourhino is on his way to City.....

BillyShears said:
Pablo1 said:
Being viewed as some sort of footballing Neanderthal because I'm not clamouring for Mourinho is just arrogance on your part though and all the stats in the world won't change that.

I have to laugh at posts like this. Skim reading the last few pages there's insults flying from both sides. In fact I'd say the most pompous condescending abusive voices are the usual suspects who love to pour scorn over stupid discussions about Mancini whilst falling over themselves to get involved. Nip has done a decent job of defending himself and he may have even laid down a few shells of his own, but for you cry victim and call him arrogant is both hilarious and pretty much par for the course. :)
I think skas has just dismantled nip :)
The cookie monster said:
MSP said:
The cookie monster said:
I'm trying to find the posters who have said mancini is better than mourinho?

You don't have the guts to say it because you know you'd look fools saying it explicitly.

It's said indirectly anytime two of them are compared as sane objective man would never even try to do it.

Like i said if you highlight the posters to back your claim up it will be appreciated

I was quite clear in my last post and I'll appreciate if you understand that I don't feel like repeating myself just to earn your appreciation :)

You're the funny one for me, on these kind of threads.. one of the biggest Balotelli critics, yet one of the strongest Mancini defenders. I always found these two and views about them absolutely connected yet you're breaking that logic somehow.
BillyShears said:
OB1 said:
I don't think City are quite the same as his other businesses; although I can't see him having the time for much involvement. I do think that he will want to have a say on who manages the team, like any other supporter that watches every game; the difference being that his say counts for more than any of ours. Whether he would go against the advice of his board of directors is something that none of us can be sure about. I would hope that he won't let the club cut off its nose to spite its face and reject Jose on the grounds that he has turned us down in the past. Just as I would hope that Txiki and Ferran would not reject Mourinho just because they did so at Barca.

Sheikh Mansour doesn't strike me as a man who ignores the advice of his highly paid advisors. I guess that's the most important point for me. He might have reservations about Mourinho, fuck he might have reservations about Mancini for all we know, but ultimately Khaldoun as chairman has appointed two men he feels are the right men to oversea an enormous project (particularly if you take into account what they're doing with the Etihad Campus). Those two guys are paid for their savvy and their opinions, with Txiki in particular as he is in charge of the football side of things where it does come down to subjective views on matters.

And like I intimated at earlier ... it's funny that some people feel that sacking Mancini is wrong because "we're not like Chelsea", yet actually by saying that the Sheikh makes the call on Mancini, we are just like Chelsea. A club where key decisions are made by the benefactor rather than the professionals.

There's a big difference between constant meddling and having a view on a major decision. There's a hierarchy in any business and the guy at the top gets to have final say. In a business owned by one person, the guy at the top is the owner; everyone else is an employee and very few employees get carte blanche.
MSP said:
The cookie monster said:
MSP said:
You don't have the guts to say it because you know you'd look fools saying it explicitly.

It's said indirectly anytime two of them are compared as sane objective man would never even try to do it.

Like i said if you highlight the posters to back your claim up it will be appreciated

I was quite clear in my last post and I'll appreciate if you understand that I don't feel like repeating myself just to earn your appreciation :)

You're the funny one for me, on these kind of threads.. one of the biggest Balotelli critics, yet one of the strongest Mancini defenders. I always found these two and views about them absolutely connected and you won't find Mancini outer that was Balotelli supporter when it became clear he's finished at City yet you're breaking that logic somehow.

Not really balo let the club down imo tried taking us to court and downed tools
That thread was done to death just like these mancini out ones too
Let me know when you have that list pal.
SM will have it's word for sure, though he'd listen the people he trusts too.

City are slightly different business than other ones, football always brings some kind of emotions.

But it's still business and on the end the decision will be based on purely business basics - and that is if they believe he can change the things, mainly in Europe, or not.

I'd replace Mancini with Mourinho tomorrow if that would be only chance to get Jose but I can't say I'm sure that change will happen. I do think Mancini doesn't feel safe about his job as he is ultimately defensive recently and blaming everyone except Pope for some of City failings this season but still can't see any signs from the club that change is set to happen.

So, we'll have to wait...
BillyShears said:
Pablo1 said:
Being viewed as some sort of footballing Neanderthal because I'm not clamouring for Mourinho is just arrogance on your part though and all the stats in the world won't change that.

I have to laugh at posts like this. Skim reading the last few pages there's insults flying from both sides. In fact I'd say the most pompous condescending abusive voices are the usual suspects who love to pour scorn over stupid discussions about Mancini whilst falling over themselves to get involved. Nip has done a decent job of defending himself and he may have even laid down a few shells of his own, but for you cry victim and call him arrogant is both hilarious and pretty much par for the course. :)

Laugh away billy, that was my first post in this thread and this one will be my last. There are enough Pro - Anti Mancini boys going over the same ground to keep this one ticking over without my input. :-)
MSP said:
SM will have it's word for sure, though he'd listen the people he trusts too.

City are slightly different business than other ones, football always brings some kind of emotions.

But it's still business and on the end the decision will be based on purely business basics - and that is if they believe he can change the things, mainly in Europe, or not.

I'd replace Mancini with Mourinho tomorrow if that would be only chance to get Jose but I can't say I'm sure that change will happen. I do think Mancini doesn't feel safe about his job as he is ultimately defensive recently and blaming everyone except Pope for some of City failings this season but still can't see any signs from the club that change is set to happen.

So, we'll have to wait...

If the club is being run well enough, you should not see lots of signs that change is coming: the club should be very discreet if it is considering changing the manager.
Mancini recently said himself,about certain players,that they will be dropped to the bench if they do not perform......does it not count at managerial level?
The cookie monster said:
MSP said:
The cookie monster said:
Like i said if you highlight the posters to back your claim up it will be appreciated

I was quite clear in my last post and I'll appreciate if you understand that I don't feel like repeating myself just to earn your appreciation :)

You're the funny one for me, on these kind of threads.. one of the biggest Balotelli critics, yet one of the strongest Mancini defenders. I always found these two and views about them absolutely connected and you won't find Mancini outer that was Balotelli supporter when it became clear he's finished at City yet you're breaking that logic somehow.

Not really balo let the club down imo tried taking us to court and downed tools
That thread was done to death just like these mancini out ones too
Let me know when you have that list pal.

The one who gave him the space to do whatever he did was Mancini himself, his main protector for all time he was here.

List regarding - I hope you'll not wait for it, there are more important things you could do instead waiting for something that won't happen :)

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