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We've not seen much of Banner in these trailers for end game, he's noticeable in a couple shots but from memory i don't think he's in any of the shots of the Avengers together or when they have their suits on, or when they're on the ship going to (presumably) fight Thanos. I think he'll tell them that since he can't get the Hulk to come out he doesn't think he'll be any help to them and will instead stay back to help them in another way. Apparently some of the toys that have been released indicate that there is a possibility for Professor Hulk to turn up, i won't say who that is in the comics so as not to throw a spoiler but i'd personally rather see The Hulk beat the shit out of Thanos than Ironman, although i think they'll leave it to Stark since they've made him the main guy in all of the MCU.

What would everyone say to Stark standing down (rather than being killed) and passing the torch to another person to become Ironman?
How’s about PP as Ironwoman?
I am quite interested in the theory of Thanos's reasoning. the simple and obvious counter is "create more resources" BUT life again would rise to meet what could be offered creating a lot more suffering. There is a name for that line of theory/law of nature but it escapes me.

Ah, 'Lady Death'! His is an unrequited love and nothing he does ever impresses her!

Yes, this incarnation of 'Thanos' has different reasons and I'm not sure it was wise to make such a solid argument for halving all existence as all it does is leave pit falls to avoid in making a sequel!

However, with that being said, I really like both versions of 'The Mad Titan'!!
I need a thorough explanation for this comment please

Apologies for the tardy reply.

First off The Crow. I suppose I saw that at the right age and in the correctly receptive state of mind. Really impressed me at the time, and when I am pushed to name fave films from the 90s, I always come back to that as high on the list.

I think my general dissatisfaction with superhero / comic book films is all down to the recent run of Batman films. Hyped up but always disappointing. Feeble plot lines, deafening noise levels, Tom thingy muttering into his mask, Caine sleepwalking through one of them, overbearing CGI. I can't differentiate between them either, the titles and plots just merge together into one mess in my brain. I saw one of the Spiderman films and again it was totally void of interest. No disrespect to anyone, but these films just don't hook me in.

I have enjoyed some graphic novel adaptations though- Ghost World , Persepolis. I enjoyed V For Vendetta but the trend of everyone wearing Guy Fawkes masks when protesting / rioting about something is wearing a bit thin now.
Apologies for the tardy reply.

First off The Crow. I suppose I saw that at the right age and in the correctly receptive state of mind. Really impressed me at the time, and when I am pushed to name fave films from the 90s, I always come back to that as high on the list.

I think my general dissatisfaction with superhero / comic book films is all down to the recent run of Batman films. Hyped up but always disappointing. Feeble plot lines, deafening noise levels, Tom thingy muttering into his mask, Caine sleepwalking through one of them, overbearing CGI. I can't differentiate between them either, the titles and plots just merge together into one mess in my brain. I saw one of the Spiderman films and again it was totally void of interest. No disrespect to anyone, but these films just don't hook me in.

I have enjoyed some graphic novel adaptations though- Ghost World , Persepolis. I enjoyed V For Vendetta but the trend of everyone wearing Guy Fawkes masks when protesting / rioting about something is wearing a bit thin now.
Action movies with capes.

Enjoyable half the time but hardly classic movies.
Apologies for the tardy reply.

First off The Crow. I suppose I saw that at the right age and in the correctly receptive state of mind. Really impressed me at the time, and when I am pushed to name fave films from the 90s, I always come back to that as high on the list.

I think my general dissatisfaction with superhero / comic book films is all down to the recent run of Batman films. Hyped up but always disappointing. Feeble plot lines, deafening noise levels, Tom thingy muttering into his mask, Caine sleepwalking through one of them, overbearing CGI. I can't differentiate between them either, the titles and plots just merge together into one mess in my brain. I saw one of the Spiderman films and again it was totally void of interest. No disrespect to anyone, but these films just don't hook me in.

I have enjoyed some graphic novel adaptations though- Ghost World , Persepolis. I enjoyed V For Vendetta but the trend of everyone wearing Guy Fawkes masks when protesting / rioting about something is wearing a bit thin now.
What about Watchmen, I loved this film very underrated and apart from the change at the end it mirrored the graphic novel.
So since the latest trailer "Joker" dropped, there seems to be a consensus that Phoenix's rendition of the 'Joker' is the best incarnation of the character, so far...

And the film isn't even out yet!! I really like all the themes the trailer focuses on and it's unique that that happens at this stage!

Since thee's no real canon for 'Joker', how do you feel about the direction of this film and do you think DC will tie things in with this film, in the future or is this a standalone film?

I have a feeling there may even be an Oscar in the distance for this film, in some way.
I am looking at this from an editor's point of view. At this point Anton is established as our bad guy. We already see how ruthless he is. For the sake of running time, do we need the coin toss scene? Especially after he ruthlessly kills the guy with the airgun? From an editor's point of view we do not need this scene.

And yet..... It is an awesome scene. It is so well written, so acted tthat it would be a crime to cut it. This is my original point. Every movie is predictable what makes them GREAT is the character scenes.

It is not a necessary scene for the story of the movie. But it is a great character scene. That is why we watch movies. Not to predict the plot but to see how the characters solve/deal with the problem

Have you read the book? Because this interaction is in there, fairly faithfully recreated in the movie. It is necessary. He has motive to track down Moss (it's his job and what he's paid to do), to kill Carson Wells (he know's he's on his tail and could jepoardise his job), he has motive to kill the guy with the air gun (he's stealing his truck and probably doesn't want him to go to the cops). What is his motive for threatening the guy in the gas station? We now know that it's simply because he's a ruthless bastard. We get a glimpse into his psychology.
Apologies for the tardy reply.

First off The Crow. I suppose I saw that at the right age and in the correctly receptive state of mind. Really impressed me at the time, and when I am pushed to name fave films from the 90s, I always come back to that as high on the list.

I think my general dissatisfaction with superhero / comic book films is all down to the recent run of Batman films. Hyped up but always disappointing. Feeble plot lines, deafening noise levels, Tom thingy muttering into his mask, Caine sleepwalking through one of them, overbearing CGI. I can't differentiate between them either, the titles and plots just merge together into one mess in my brain. I saw one of the Spiderman films and again it was totally void of interest. No disrespect to anyone, but these films just don't hook me in.

I have enjoyed some graphic novel adaptations though- Ghost World , Persepolis. I enjoyed V For Vendetta but the trend of everyone wearing Guy Fawkes masks when protesting / rioting about something is wearing a bit thin now.
I fully respect all of that reasoning. You may be aware for Hardy's voice in Batman it had to be redone. There was a test version of the trailer with the voice barely understandable. the "fixed" version obviously had the voice going through a lot of filters, like loads and loads and loads.

V For Vendetta a re-watch regularly along with Watchmen. Defendor was pretty cool to.

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