Mr Bates vs the Post Office

They always seem to worm their way into those positions. Once there they are almost impossible to shift. Oh they get let go if they're not very good, but usually with a golden handshake. They then get employed in a similar position in another company and fuck that up as well. It's nuts.
sharon shoesmith
What the fuck did Vennells do all day to justify her large salary, bonuses and pension?
I'm in now way defending her and certainly not excusing her conduct in relation to matters that concern this inquiry but she did take POL into profit from 2017 onwards for the first time in 16 years.
They won't. After the Herald disaster the company were fined but nobody was jailed as far as I can remember. Although the ships were painted in Townsend Thoreson colours they were then owned by P&O.
I think the opposite. They're going to be facing serious charges of perverting the course of justice very soon. It's pretty much an open and close case as well.
No wonder our country is in such a fukin state when we have people like Vennells in positions of power?
The thing is that almost all people in power are like Vennals and her ilk, eager to tell you how brilliant they are and how much they should be paid for 'taking responsibility' when things going well.

Then they suddenly turn out to not be aware or not to be able remember anything apart from things that help them wriggle out of it when it all goes go wrong.

Then they are not accountable, and all their WhatsApps have mysteriously disappeared, but they would still like to keep their gold plated pensions thank you very much, even though they do regret that they can't remember or help find out what actually went wrong, but they are 100% sure it was nothing they did, that is the only thing they can recall...
Did anybody ever think to look at the worse cases of so-called theft and examine more closely those accused?

Surely if they had stolen such vast sums of money their bank accounts, possessions and life style would have reflected their increase in wealth?

Looking at those the Post Office took to court there was no sign whatsoever they had suddenly had a windfall.

The whole sorry affair is utterly disgusting.
My thinking exactly and also having been involved in franchising ( dont know if they were franchisees themselves but they were all part of a corporate chain ) for many years and I know that people in the chain talk, why weren't these individual problems highlighted between themselves a lot sooner and brought to the front before this got out of hand. I know I would have been on the phone to other sub postmasters to see if they were having the same problems instead of just accepting from the PO that ' I was the only one having problems '.

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