God, this corporate speak reminds me of the Further Education College I worked for 30 years prior to retiring early in 2019. The College Principal has married the Head of HR ( his second wife as his first had sadly passed away). Therefore a lot of things were decided between them, I would surmise. While I personally think this Principal did some good things for the College he could be a vindictive, nasty bullying **** to anyone who opposed him or his instructions. The thing I always remember, that our then Head of Health and Safety (another bullying ****), told me his job is primarily to stop the Principal and College getting sued, funnily enough I always thought fis first duty was to ensure correct health and safety practices and procedures for all College, staff, students, and visitors. Prior to periodic scottish Office inspections of the College there was a lot of overrnight shredding of documents dumped in black bags by the senior management team. A lot of good people had to leave the college due to being hounded out, maybe this is symptomatic of all institunions like universities, NHS trusts, I don’t know.