Mr Cook

Balti said:
He should have just said ' we are liddel siddy and we happy to remain so and certainly don't aspire to be massive like our massive neighbours who obviously have a divine right to be so and how can we ever so humbly ever compare cos they are the 'worlds greatest ever club' (official trademark).

That would have kept the happy underachievers and rag apologists happy no doubt.

Well said GC. What's wrong with ambition ffs? We've matched 'em (or better) before and we'll do it again.

It's possible to be ambitious, confident, optimistic and purposeful without resorting to loud mouthed braggadocio.

Especially because, as it stands today, we have achieved fuck all and I believe we have some way to go before we are in a position to start shouting our mouths off.
shadowplay said:
Balti said:
He should have just said ' we are liddel siddy and we happy to remain so and certainly don't aspire to be massive like our massive neighbours who obviously have a divine right to be so and how can we ever so humbly ever compare cos they are the 'worlds greatest ever club' (official trademark).

That would have kept the happy underachievers and rag apologists happy no doubt.

Well said GC. What's wrong with ambition ffs? We've matched 'em (or better) before and we'll do it again.

It's possible to be ambitious, confident, optimistic and purposeful without resorting to loud mouthed braggadocio.

Especially because, as it stands today, we have achieved fuck all and I believe we have some way to go before we are in a position to start shouting our mouths off.

Why is he 'shouting his mouth off' with qualified statements of intent?

He was playing to the audience and from what I saw the blue audience lapped it up.

With the backing that we have why should our ultimate ambition be any less than what he said?
Cheltblue said:
Citycitytid said:
Didn't catch that bit on Sky Sports News. I still feel Peter Kenyon will have a role to play in our club at some point down the line.

Particularly if we keep getting set-up for a fall by the existing CE.
Like i say i actually like him, but someone needs to reign him in a bit.

Totally disagree with this.


COOK said; we will, not if, it will happen, when, we have, we will, we will.....all the right words for the future - not today, and I agree with COOK. The guy is spot on for me. He is the spokesperson for our purser, and I trust COOK and the PROPRIETORS of MCFC.
supercity36 said:
Balti said:

but 2 days before we play scunny away (the banana skin of all banana skins, and the rags away). if we lose either of those games we will be a massive laughing stock now

So the Rags get knocked out at home by Leeds and the Dippers get knocked out at home by Reading and they're going to have any room to laugh at us for going out to Scunny? I think not.
Some opinions

-The difference between a manager making bold statements like "we can win the league" and a CEO making bold statements is huge.

Managers who have done this in the past, when discussing it later, have done so with their mind on the effect that it will have on their playing staff and on the pitch performance. A CEO coming out with something like this has zero effect on results on the pitch (edit: it could easily inspire the other team but definitely not the City players). His opinion on the second leg will count for nothing among the players. His opinion that City are going to be a massive player on the world stage also counts for very little to them. Everyone knows it, that is why they are here, ffs. It's pointless. Anyone comparing the motives and effects of managers and CEOs making similar statements is very mistaken.

- Telling people that City are going to be the biggest in the world is not what any rational fan wants to hear.

I was well at the front of the queue to criticise Hughes for his bullshit, excuse making "sixth place is progress" bollocks. However, I did so because I knew he was being completely false in order to save his own skin. I am not going to go to the other extreme and expect someone whose role is not to spout public hyperbole to start mouthing off in public with lines that cannot be justified. If City won the next 5 Champions League Trophies would the make them 'bigger' than Real Madrid? If we get where we want to go and win, say a similar amount of trophies as Chelsea have recently in the next five years does that automatically follow on that we will be 'the biggest and the best'? Of course, not. For one, the terms biggest and best are completely subjective. They can't be proved. So, some fans might want to hear this shite to boost their fragile little egos and to hear the 'big man' tell them the words that will make them feel better. However, anyone with any sense will be completely convinced that the tools are in place to mean City can get where we all want them to go. And they don't need Cook to spout meaningless, cheerleading lines to convince them. Perhaps it is designed to get the more gulible, needy and fragile fans excited, who think that things won't happen without daft lines like this. CEOs should not be panderring to this type of peson though imo. If they are stupid enough to need to hear meaningless guff like this, constantly need it confirming from the men in charge and aren;t convinced of where the club is going without public proclaimations in a crass manner then I suggest he should not take up any time at all pandering to their fragile needs.

- Someone has suggested that Cook knew exactly what he was doing in the Mancini press conference and intentionally made himself look silly in order to take the pressure off Mancini.

I have already stated that I think he did little wrong in that press conference. I have no problem with it. However, the above view is ridiculous. He was rattled. The press were out for the blood of decision makers at City. Not Mancini's. The fact that Cook and City had to hastily issue a clarification the day after is proof enough that even if he thought he knew what he was doing (and I don't buy that he wanted to look like a big mouthed buffoon in order to draw attention to him anyway so I don't believe any of this), he actually didn't. Or at least he got it completely wrong on judging how the press would treat it. Hence the hasty follow up statement.

- Gary Cook might be a great bloke and willing to buy people drinks but that has little bearing on his ability to be CEO of this club.

It gets a bit tiring hearing to people who have obviously been wooed and invited to certain events proclaiming his superior abilities as a human being. I'd rather he be a calm, considered CEO who acts in a professional and right way at all times, rather than a bloke who puts his foot in it a lot but is good at schmoozing certain selected fans.

Anyway, as I say, I am not interested in his public utterings, as long as he now eventually realises that he should shut up. I am interested in the proper job he is doing at City and apart from one or two fan friendly things and hearty attempts to suck up to and get certain fans on his side (not that that is necessarily a bad thing - or a good thing for that matter, I'm more interested in actions) I have no idea whether he is wildly successful in his role or pathetic. And neither do most people. My only concern about him is his startling ability to show a lack of public composure/judgement. As long as this doesn't indicate a man too desperate to impress and concerning reasons for that, then he can stay as long as he wants imo (as long as he shows an ability to curb his foot in mouth blundering)
Balti said:
Why is he 'shouting his mouth off' with qualified statements of intent?

I'd be interested to know why you believe his "statements of intent" can in any way be considered as qualified at this moment in time. Before you answer, forget about the rags and think about the Barcelona's, Milan's etc. etc. of this world and tell me why you think he is justified in using the terminology he did at this stage of our development when our achievements since 1981 amount to one Carling Cup semi-Final?

Also, do you think he has done us any favours ahead of Wednesdays game? If so, how?
shadowplay said:
Balti said:
Why is he 'shouting his mouth off' with qualified statements of intent?

I'd be interested to know why you believe his "statements of intent" can in any way be considered as qualified at this moment in time. Before you answer, forget about the rags and think about the Barcelona's, Milan's etc. etc. of this world and tell me why you think he is justified in using the terminology he did at this stage of our development when our achievements since 1981 amount to one Carling Cup semi-Final?

Also, do you think he has done us any favours ahead of Wednesdays game? If so, how?

I believe he said:
"This football club is, without doubt, going to be the biggest and best football club in the world,"

I don't see what our past has to do with his vision of our future given our current circumstances?

As for Weds, well ce sera sera whatever will be will be... his words change nowt there
For those of you who are "embarrassed" by Cook, are you more or less embarrassed by his actions than you were when City were relegated to the third tier of English football?
For me I've always felt Cook has been a liability, his latest comments just smack of the ignorance and misplaced arrogance which has characterised his time at City.

For the public spokesperson that he is, to come across as such a babbling fool, he's nothing short of an embarrassment.
I get the fact he is the CEO and his main 'job' is to raise the profile of the club....Job done!!

I'd just like to raise a couple of points on both sides of the coin although I can't think of too much that his NYC interview has added for the better.

- Garry Cook certainly know's how to get attention and coverage for the club. From calling the mighty AC Milan bottlers, to the mess that was Hughes' sacking and a few other situations that could have been handled better.

- He also certainly believes in the 'project' and is a real advocate in our methods and policies, and is not afraid to stand up and give cutting-edge and sometimes damning interviews and opinions.

- I'm not sure of his exact words but it went something like, " when we're singing at Wembley, "I'll look back on the night in the boozer in New york""......Not Good for a CEO me thinks!

- In between matches of such a massive 2 legged Semi-Final, anyone connected with City, should be (on record!!!!)..." be happy with the first leg, but there's a long way to go." Surely you shouldn't give the opposition any ammo to psyche up their players, like his comments last night in New York. Again, with the obvious SSN editing, it sounded like "when we beat United" and "When we win at Wembley." I must add it did look like it had either been slightly staged or put up to it by a leading question...but really Mr Cook?!
Obviously if we were at that bar, we would be lapping it up, but looking back the morning after a few Magners, I'm sure most of us would think that's a tad arrogant.


Couldn't resist!!!!!

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