Mr Cook

halfcenturyup said:
deano ou812 said:
when you open your mouth and start bragging it usually comes back to bite you on the arse,i dont think baconface will need to give a team talk on wednesday,just show cooks rant in america should do that for him.....

You really think Ferguson needs some NY bar comments to motivate his team after all the press of the last week? Criticise Cook for being arrogant if thats what you think, but keep some perspective. Perleeeease.

I don't see anyone criticising Tevez for turning up the heat for next week up about 1,000 notches and quite rightly so. Cook is just turning the heat up another few notches for the next five years. Good luck to him.

Notice Tevez done his 'thing' after ramming it down Nevilles throat. Cant remember him making even the slightest comment before the occassion.
Cook must work wonders on the inside of our club and I don't doubt that, but we need to reign the guy in on his public duties. He is followed by the press for the wrong reasons. He is David Brent esgue. They just sit and await his next boast and then bury him for the next few days.

Chelsea fans are comparing him to Kenyon and they aren't wrong. Yes he is good to the fans, excellent in fact but publicly he is an utter embarrassment. Not just his latest boasts but he is building up quite a back catalogue of humiliating mistakes. The one that wrangles me most is the ending of "city till I die" I can't let that one rest.
he is business born and breed and to him these sort of comments come natural!

its just a shame he cant turn it down a bit remembering he is all so talking on be halve of all us fans who support Manchester city and not trying to make us look like the cunts across the way.

he is doing a brilliant job but please mr.cook just lets walk before we run please!
what cook should have said
well lads its good to be here in new york, not a whippet in sight (laughs nervously),phew what a place this is, hey the buildings are big here arnt they,much bigger than the cop shop on grey mare lane,anyway,I would like to thank you all for coming tonight, Im surprised you have even heard of city as we hav,nt won anything for 30,odd years and I dont envisage us winning anything for the next 30(thinks maybe I should,nt have said that),oh well never mind lads your the best fans in the world(thinks I should nt have said that either) and Im sure you will stick by us no matter what,because honestly lads ,all this money its just means we get more publicity than most and has got nothing to do with us buying players to actually win something,anyway I must be off now sorry Im not sounding to cheerful but as you know saying anything positive about city gets laughed at, so er nice meeting you.oh er by the way the beer is like piss over here... see ya
but fans are better than utds says a drunken garry cook
He can't be defended, anyone in his position with some common could do his job. I drive a cab and every city fan I've spoke to this weekend feels the same, he's embarrassing the fans and the club. There all hoping he goes. Headlines for the wrong reasons again seems to be his speciaity.
halfcenturyup said:
deano ou812 said:
when you open your mouth and start bragging it usually comes back to bite you on the arse,i dont think baconface will need to give a team talk on wednesday,just show cooks rant in america should do that for him.....

You really think Ferguson needs some NY bar comments to motivate his team after all the press of the last week? Criticise Cook for being arrogant if thats what you think, but keep some perspective. Perleeeease.

I don't see anyone criticising Tevez for turning up the heat for next week up about 1,000 notches and quite rightly so. Cook is just turning the heat up another few notches for the next five years. Good luck to him.

Maybe Cook should get Carlos to write his speeches:
Tevez said:
There are differences between the two teams. Manchester United is a huge team in the city, everyone knows that. But City are making giant strides.

Can't find it now but I seem to remember reading another Tevez quote something along the lines of 'We have the advantage but we're only half way and the second leg will be difficult', contrast that with Coco's 'Not if but WHEN we beat them...'
sixlashes said:
what cook should have said
well lads its good to be here in new york, not a whippet in sight (laughs nervously),phew what a place this is, hey the buildings are big here arnt they,much bigger than the cop shop on grey mare lane,anyway,I would like to thank you all for coming tonight, Im surprised you have even heard of city as we hav,nt won anything for 30,odd years and I dont envisage us winning anything for the next 30(thinks maybe I should,nt have said that),oh well never mind lads your the best fans in the world(thinks I should nt have said that either) and Im sure you will stick by us no matter what,because honestly lads ,all this money its just means we get more publicity than most and has got nothing to do with us buying players to actually win something,anyway I must be off now sorry Im not sounding to cheerful but as you know saying anything positive about city gets laughed at, so er nice meeting you.oh er by the way the beer is like piss over here... see ya
but fans are better than utds says a drunken garry cook

Humbly, dear Sixlashes, I fail to match the worth in such a plea.
I am sure U re more City devoted than I will ever be: on such a certainty I'd love U to explain me the sense and the use of U're above, like I was a six y.o. child. I am huge fan of your brain so that I am sure U won't back a bet of City not winning for the next 30 years: whether I am wrong, please gimme U odds... :-)
Agreed he seems to have a real problem with him. Think I read somewhere that he is a mate of Hughes, which would explain why he still goes on about his sacking.

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