Muffin or Barm

Re: Barm or Muffin

Ric said:
stony said:
The one sad fact that has come from this thread, is that the admin of this board must be barm cake eating bastards.
Muffin is the obvious choice of most Blues(certainly the intelligent ones) and the admins continuing 'blind eye' to the forums popular choice and their willingness to keep this thread open in the vain hope that the "six fingered barm eating bastards" may wear down their more rational 'muffin' eating brothers, is tantamount to a scandal of "Coppell" proportions.
Sort it out Ric!

In my role as admin, I feel that I should try and stay fairly neutral on this issue so I'll choose my words carefully.

Anyone who thinks it's a "muffin" is a great soft, sissy, girlie, nancy, french, bender, Man United supporting puff.

Hopefully that should give a bit of closure to the issue.

Very (muffin) disappointing that Ric. I believe a poll (muffin) is the only true way to decide this (muffin) issue. That way everybody gets only one (muffin) vote (muffin) and there will be a definitive (muffin) winner (muffin).

Cheers. (muffin)
Re: Barm or Muffin

well for an outsider like myself i have no clue what barm is... i know muffin but not fond of them... i like apple pie with sauce anglais... the swedish way
Re: Barm or Muffin

gman07 said:
well for an outsider like myself i have no clue what barm is... i know muffin but not fond of them... i like apple pie with sauce anglais... the swedish way

wanker haha its a barm mate just say barm all these muffin men from drewery lane have watched too much shrek!!! can i have a chocolate muffin please? wankers the lot of them!
Re: Barm or Muffin

scottyboi said:
gman07 said:
well for an outsider like myself i have no clue what barm is... i know muffin but not fond of them... i like apple pie with sauce anglais... the swedish way

wanker haha its a barm mate just say barm all these muffin men from drewery lane have watched too much shrek!!! can i have a chocolate muffin please? wankers the lot of them!
LOL oki im might be slow but i get what you are saying... of course it is a barm... damn barmy saying otherwise...

here is my sauce

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Barm is the foam, or scum, formed on the top of liquor (i.e. fermented alcoholic beverages such as beer or wine, or feedstock for hard liquor or industrial ethanol distillation) when fermenting. It was used to leaven bread, or set up fermentation in a new batch of liquor. Barm, as a leaven, has also been made from ground millet combined with must out of wine-tubs [1] and is sometimes used in English baking as a synonym for a natural leaven.[2] Various cultures derived from barm, usually Saccharomyces cerevisiae, became ancestral to most forms of brewer's yeast and baker's yeast currently on the market.

In parts of the North of England a barm or barm cake is a common term for a soft, floury bread roll.

"Barmy" is also British slang for "crazy", comparing the foamy texture of barm to the perceived emptiness of such a person's head.
Re: Barm or Muffin


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