Muffin or Barm

Re: Barm or Muffin

Rammyblues said:
Oh by the way muffins are a better class of bread roll than a barm, not as good as a teacake. I think you lot need to visit your bakers a little more often and see what is on offer instead of the 4 -6 pack of barms from the local supermarket.

Re: Barm or Muffin

Sticks and stones etc etc. I take it by the need to refer to cartoon pictures you concede the argument
Re: Barm or Muffin

Rammyblues said:
Sticks and stones etc etc. I take it by the need to refer to cartoon pictures you concede the argument

PMSL do you a sense of humour Rammy or is it eating teacakes without currants in thats making you a little bit stale today
Re: Barm or Muffin

Crying out loud, you need a sense of humour to be a blue (if you didn't would have ended up in the nuthouse a long tme ago) Always willing to have an argument on something totally trivial, say what you like never going to be offended or upset over a teacake for godsake (even though a teacake is superior to a oven bottomed muffin which in turn is the correct terminology for a bread roll even though some think it is a barm, get over it you have lost)
Re: Barm or Muffin

General Blue_chilli, can you deal with this imbecile please.

Power of argument too much?

You people have to realise that a barm is loose term used in general circumstances to refer to a more refined product i.e The teacake or the oven bottomed muffin. Once you realise the difference you lose the argument, see you learn something new every day.
Re: Barm or Muffin

rammyblues you are surrounded, drop the tea cake and co oportate! we do not want to use firearm force to take you down! you will be held in a BOW camp! ( barm of war) and a committee will agree on your punishment for barm TREASON!!
Re: Barm or Muffin

Siege mentallity is engaged, man the defences, repel all boarders. The TIP (Teacake Independance Party) and the OBAMA (Oven Bottom and Muffin Association) are united (not rags) against any Barm invasion.

(fuck me never realised how intense this argument has become but I suppose if the first world war could be caused by one man shooting an archduke, long live the Teacake Muffin and Barm wars)

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