Muffin or Barm

I thought bread products were cooked at temperatures higher than 48°C.

AW ye, they aren't raw, I don't eat them, I meant I'll accept any of the terms used. My body doesn't take too well to doughy stuff.
Like I've said many times its barm. Its a northern term so southerners don't understand it.
It's a fucking barm you southern nonces. Muffins are small cakes or from macdonalds. Barms have bacon and eggs in. It's a fucking barm no question about it.
I remember the song so well

Do [or "Oh, do"] you know the barm man,
The barm man, the barm man,
Do you know the barm man,
Who lives in Drury Lane?

Yes [or "Oh, yes"], I know the barm man,
The barm man, the barm man,
Yes, I know the barm man,
Who lives in Drury Lane

Hang on that ain't right, because it's a MUFFIN not a bloody barm Lancastrian and proud of the oven bottom
Chip Barm or if you're a sheep shagger its Chip Muffin

chip muffin if your from gorton, chip barm if you are also from gorton, I actually interchange between the 2 and use both but if I go to the shop the only one you can buy are Oven bottoms so Muffin wins out
I think it depends on what the shops you went to as a lad, called them. For instance if I were to ask for a breakfast treat consisting of bacon sandwiched between two bits of some sort of bread... it would always be Bacon BUTTY for me. As for Chippies the correct answer is Chip MUFFIN.

The only place I saw Barm was at the local gregs/smiths etc

So in closing the correct answer is... muffin?
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